The Ultimate List of 2014 Featured Comics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 29, 2014

As the end of 2014 comes to a close, it is a good time to remember the standout comics that got our attention, moved us, or just inspired its readers enough to get featured on the main page. Each week, one featured comics is selected by either ozoneocean and me ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Used Books Patreon

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Oct. 3, 2014

Vickie Boutwell has started a Patreon for her comic Used Books!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the site, Patreon allows people to become “patrons” of creators by pledging small amounts of money for work produced.

Pledging larger amounts also comes with perks on top of that good ...

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Video Interviews with KAM, Toshubi, and Magical Misfits!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 8, 2014

Today we have a special video interview newspost featuring KAM, Toshubi, and Magical Misfits. They each have long running comics with pretty substantial archives and have been members on Drunk Duck from the very start. They each are natural storytellers and are very passionate about the work they produce on ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Hippie Van: Lost Webcomics Detective

HippieVan at 12:00AM, March 7, 2014

In which I put on my Nancy Drew outfit and search out deleted webcomics and their creators!

Locoma (of Anti Featured) recently suggested that I do a newspost about those mysterious webcomics whose archives are deleted and which disappear forever. I couldn't think of very many on my own ...

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Milestones and Mega Milestones: Culture Shock Reaches 400 Pages, The KAMics Reaches 1450 Pages, Charby the Vampirate Turns Ten Years Old on TheDuck

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 27, 2014


Charby the Vampirate by Amelius

Longtime DrunkDuck veteran, Amelius, is celebrating the 10th Year Web Anniversary for her outstanding masterpiece, Charby the Vampirate. This comic is the perfect example of how dedication and persistence pays off while drawing a webcomic. The art in Charby the Vampirate has evolved ...

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HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2014
tags: awards, drunk, duck, up, wrap

After lots of planning and hard work on the part of many DDers, the last of the 2013 Drunk Duck Awards were given out this week. Acceptance Speeches and other Extras will be accepted until January 24th, and can be PQed to Niccea or emailed to 2013awards(at)justnopoint(dot ...

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Quackcast Episode 86 - Ghosts of Features Past

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 17, 2012


Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years… We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of ...

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Quackcast Episode 57 - Merry Christmas one and all! What happened while I was away?

Ozoneocean at 9:29AM, Dec. 27, 2011


Merry Christmas everyone! A short one this time… In this Quackcast I talk about what sorts of comic stuff we do over this holiday period, we have contributions from some DDers and then finally, the very best part of it all: The Drunkduck soap thread- WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 53 - Spriters are people too! -And don't forget Secret Santa!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 29, 2011


SIGN UP *more bellow.

The venerable Skoolmunkee is the special guest this week! This time we have a completely biased and entirely uninformed chat about all aspects of sprite comicing, from their short and turbulent history, to their glittering present and beyond into a glorious galaxy spanning empire that ...

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OK! Just a couple bits of news!

skoolmunkee at 12:20PM, Aug. 17, 2011


Used Books (by usedbooks) is 925 pages long on Thursday! usedbooks has just started a new story arc, for which she created a cast list that should make it understandable to those who haven't read the archives. (Don't let the big page number scare you off!) She ...

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