There are no bad ideas, just poor execution…..terrible, awful execution.
You may have seen those games that go around on social media, such as “Describe a classic movie/video game/novel in the worst way possible”, it shows how easy it is to make any concept seem like the ...
Recycling Ideas From The Trash
Amelius at 12:04PM, Nov. 18, 2018Justifying the Tragic Backstory
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Sept. 21, 2018
Throughout literature and modern media, many faults and drives for leads, damsels and villians have often been motivated by a tragic backstory so much so, that to employ one for your story may appear trite or cliche. There is, however, a way to use a tragic backstory effectively and can ...
Character Arcs Revisited
Banes at 12:00AM, April 12, 2018
A character starts in one state of being, and ends in a very different state of being.
The Character Arc in a nutshell!
Every time the subject of character arcs comes up around the site or on the Quackcast, one of the first examples that comes to my mind is ...
Quackcast 358 - Damaged Characters
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2018 LISTEN!
This week we mine Banes's ideas about damaged protagonists. Does having physiologically damaged protagonists (as opposed to merely flawed), make them more realistic or relatable? I think we came to the conclusion that this isn't necessarily the case at all, in fact it can mean the opposite ...
HyenaHell at 12:00AM, April 7, 2017
We've all been there: all of the sudden, the trajectory of your own life seems to thwart you from your ambitions! Maybe it's obligations to schoolwork or your day job; maybe your partner or family; maybe you wind up homeless or awkwardly crashing on a series of couches ...
Top Five Tear Jerkers
Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2017
I was hanging out with my family over the holidays, explaining that I wasn't sad or sick, but had been rubbing my eye because there was some dust or a hair or something stuck behind the eyeball. It was quite uncomfortable.
As I remembered how tears can flush out ...
Avoiding the Mary Sue (+ a contest!)
HippieVan at 12:00AM, March 6, 2015
This newspost was inspired by this week's Quackcast on testing your writing and knowing your characters. In the comments, KimLuster posted a Mary Sue test and discussed her annoyance in finding that one of her characters scored highly.
So what is a Mary Sue? Everyone sort of knows one ...