Guess what guys? You can remove favorites again!

skoolmunkee at 12:46AM, July 30, 2008

Well things seem to be happening around here, and I for one like it!

To remove a comic you had favorited (but don't want any more):
1. Open up the MyFavorites menu so they are all listed
2. Click on ‘Edit Favorites Preferences’ at the bottom of that list ...

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Small Press Idol and two milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:54AM, July 28, 2008

nibbi has finished 2nd in Round 3 of Small Press Idol with his comic “The Stupendous Adventures of Spud”, which means his comic is now in Round 4 and is available for sale! Every person who
]purchases a copy of the comic counts as ...

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Hey all! Just a quick one today.

skoolmunkee at 6:25AM, July 26, 2008

I've updated the Big Community Projects Thread so be sure to swing by and check out the new ones (or old ones!) and see if there's any you'd like to participate in! Most notably, Quack With the Ducks is going to start its 3rd round, and Tired ...

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Hey, it looks like something is going on with the news bar!

skoolmunkee at 2:28AM, July 24, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is Better Luck Next Time!
Meet Teddy Atwater, a kid who only did enough to scrape by… until a sports injury meant he couldn't even manage that. Now he has to repeat the sixth grade, which is no easy task when you have the friends ...

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Hey guys you know what Monday means right?

skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, July 21, 2008

Monday's featured comic is The Necropolis Chronicles!
Jaina's first day at her new boarding school is a drag. No one likes her, and the feeling is mutual. Jaina knows she is different from her schoolmates- but she doesn't quite realize just how different until she's captured ...

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Good morning, starshine

skoolmunkee at 4:48AM, July 14, 2008

Monday's featured comic is Welcome to Border City!
Border City (built by 12 legendary superheroes) was intended as a haven, a place where the darkness of the world outside would be kept outside. But all is not well within Border City's walls- Evil is still at work. The ...

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It's almost Friday where I live

skoolmunkee at 2:47PM, July 3, 2008

I'll just take a quick opportunity here to remind folks that although we are a friendly community, there are still predatory people out there on the internet who are looking to take advantage of others - especially on websites friendly to young people! (And especially on websites like DD, where ...

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Argh late already

skoolmunkee at 12:07AM, June 30, 2008

Monday's featured comic is Dirtheads!
Dirtheads is a comic about three twenty-something guys doing their part to cut the crap in the world. Gooch goes on a quest for reimbursement and reveals the ‘pretend’ service practices of modern businesses. Vince starts dating ‘a reader’ that he tries to impress ...

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Thursday already? Where did my week go?

skoolmunkee at 1:26AM, June 26, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is How Unfortunate!

Inept police, inept villains… is anyone in How Unfortunate capable of doing their jobs? Let's hope not, because things are pretty funny the way they are. Part cop movie, part Powers, part Naked Gun- read about what happens when a team of ...

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How did it get to be 11am already?

skoolmunkee at 2:59AM, June 23, 2008

Monday's featured comic is Nothing Really Serious!
Why is it so hard for people in love to just love each other? Making decisions based on their perception of the other's best interests, or ignoring the one better for you because you like the other better, or not taking ...

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