A new interview is up, a new Quackcast is up, and some milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:01PM, Dec. 14, 2010

Guess what! Nergal has interviewed Pieguy259 of Stickman and Cube, and I gotta say it's a bunch of fun questions and answers. Here, have a look!

Well the first thing I noticed is the awesome banner you have for your comic. You must get a lot of comments about ...

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DD member interviews are GO! Not-contest results! Super sized news!

skoolmunkee at 11:12AM, Nov. 28, 2010

I know it was a slow weekend for some of you, but stuff happened while you were gone, you know! Most especially, I've posted some DD member interviews- you should really check them out!

First though, some milestones, and a very special announcement for a very special comic:

Arachnid ...

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Some milestones of course, and some various Halloween things!

skoolmunkee at 8:19AM, Oct. 24, 2010

The release of the Drunk Duck redesign is almost here! Good work and thank you beta testers, keep reporting anything you find!

Halloween is coming soon! I'm not sure why but this year there's just not much going on for it around the site. A couple people have ...

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24 Hour Comics Day, big fan-art contest, comic casting call, and Used Books in print! (and milestone

skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, Sept. 17, 2010

So Hey, 24 Hour Comics Day is coming up (October 2nd), are you guys doing anything? (If you don't know, that's a day where comic peoples try to make 24 comic pages in 24 hours!) Maybe some of you could get together to at least provide internet-support to ...

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Aren't you glad the news is delivered on Saturdays too?

skoolmunkee at 9:29AM, Aug. 14, 2010

WowioTV is on the air! The first show has been posted (and Oz and I are recording something for them tomorrow too)… This one features a “Drunk Duck Original” by Carolyn, from The People That Melt In The Rain, and other programmes! Some of them quite weird and entertaining! There ...

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DrunkDuck is mine. MINE! Also here's some news.

skoolmunkee at 11:06AM, July 18, 2010

OK guys! In case you missed the other newspost or I think there were also some forum posts, Ozoneocean is on a well-earned vacation for a couple weeks so I am running the place. He is going to San Diego for two weeks, which makes me very jealous, so I ...

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It's Wednesday, it's news, it's Wednesday News

skoolmunkee at 9:31AM, May 5, 2010

Member interview time! Yep, I am posting it a little bit early, because Sunday's newspost will be a little bit late! (Late Tuesday, probably.) But I am sure you are all okay with that! Just gives you more time to read the ones already posted! Anyway here it is ...

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There is a monster at the end of this newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:03PM, March 7, 2010

It has been Salsa's good fortune to be elected to the GM position of the XXIV installment of Mafia! Look at all those roman numberials, we're totally gettin' superbowl in here! Hm, has there ever been a superbowl with a cowboy team vs an indian team? In a ...

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I guess I should make a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, Jan. 31, 2010

Guess what! Last week, Carnies turned 25 pages old! “25 pages without filler” that is. :]

Guess what other comic reached 25 pages last week! Kombat Kubs, by Wordweaver_three and harkovast!

I guess I should announce that Urban Legends Sketchbook by Legend Comics has also reached 25 pages!

You'll never ...

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We Wish You A Very Large Newspost

skoolmunkee at 7:56AM, Dec. 11, 2009

I think I'm going to have to start doing these on Wednesday afternoon, because by Thursday there are just too many! Sorry today's is late, I just didn't have the time to tackle it. We're still friends, right?

Gillespie's Bacon Strips hit 275 on Tuesday ...

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