Rebound has reached 50 pages! Go check it out and say hello and congrats!
The Realms of Aegis has also recently passed 50 pages, and one year, and is beginning its third chapter! (Triple whammy?)
Teasan of Gunnerkrigg Court recently got interviewed over at Comixpedia, where he ...

skoolmunkee at 11:29PM, Dec. 7, 2006News a-hoy!
Black_Kitty at 11:20PM, Dec. 3, 2006Got a lot of announcements on my hands and this be the day to announce it! I do apologize if I didn't respond to you. There was just a lot of PQs and since I'm getting really close to Christmas break, my courses have become more demanding.
I ...
Milestones and other news of talented people! :)
Black_Kitty at 8:45PM, Nov. 29, 2006Hey everybody!
Did you know that tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this) Cowboys and Aliens hits their 50th page? Congrats you guys! :D
Enef's comic IFBIT hits its 50th page too! He also wanted to thank everyone on the site and those who visit his comic ...
Thanksgiving weekend news!
Black_Kitty at 8:01PM, Nov. 25, 2006So I totally have no sense of time. >.> But Happy Thanksgiving weekend to our American Duckers! :D (And if I missed it…uh, happy day anyway!)
But anyhow! A few days ago, Scarybug PQed me and told me a very awesome piece of news about his comic Nerdcore. He had ...
New Headers
Volte6 at 4:25PM, Nov. 20, 2006Hey guys,
You'll probably notice that we have new headers on comic pages. I think they are a lot nicer and add some much needed functionality.
Additionally, you can choose from many different styles… just go right to your template management and pick one!
We put together a small ...
skoolmunkee at 12:43AM, Nov. 20, 2006Gonna make this quick, ok?
It's that time of year again… the time of year where all Good Internet Nerds should donate money to make childrens' hospital stays just a little nicer. Child's Play, a truly massive and awe-inspiring donation drive run by what is possibly the only ...
Just a couple more items!
skoolmunkee at 11:16AM, Nov. 17, 2006rougey's Breeding Ground will be 50 strips old tomorrow! Yay!
gradiate and lordpepito have finished the fist chapter of RPGcrazed! Tuesday they begin chapter 2 so check it out!
Milestones and reminders ahoy!
skoolmunkee at 1:36AM, Nov. 17, 2006A few days ago, Children at Play hit its 50th update! On top of that, kingofsnake's announcing a contest wherin if you send in a picture of yourself you win a chance to have a character model drawn based on you that will be a reoccurring background character from ...
I'm a terrible housekeeper
skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, Nov. 10, 2006I'd like to remind everyone of just a couple of rules. (Bear with me please!)
Firstly, userpics (the ones that you can upload in your control panel) - these really need to be kept to 35kb or less. When these start piling up in the comments sections of pages, and ...
Talk to eachother
Volte6 at 4:07PM, Nov. 8, 2006Hey everyone,
Some of you are familiar with our Private Quack system, and some aren't.
Basically it lets you talk to other members of drunkduck outside of the forums or outside of the comics.
Well, now it's easier than ever. On everyone's posts on comics you'll ...