THURSDAY FEATURE --> The Greening Wars, Heat is on Salsa, and News!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2012

the heat is on Salsa this week! Also now known as The Warnock… This guy has worked, with a few others admittedly, to keep the marvellously great community game
MAFIA alive. Salsa has been a powerhouse stalwart, working away quietly to manage and manicure this great community activity. He’s ...

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QUACKCAST Episode - 55 Genres revisited

Ozoneocean at 8:55AM, Dec. 13, 2011


My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic.
I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres ...

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Monday feature -> 1946

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Nov. 28, 2011

The Red Three are Russians (and likely communists) in Paris in 1946. It's a dangerous place to be, and they're up to something they don't want anyone knowing they're doing. Leonid (the old one), Maksim (the handsome one), and Grigori (the young one) have come with ...

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Monday Feature -> A LOONATIC'S TALE

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Sept. 19, 2011

A Loonatic's Tale is the tale of… a lunatic named Dr Zinc. His insanity is a matter of debate: his hair will eat anything but boater hats, his friend Flint is a vampire with metal wings, he's got shady people (who can teleport and lift cars) who want ...

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The Carriers collected edition, lots of community stuff, a super-big contest and more!

skoolmunkee at 5:24AM, May 6, 2011

Walrus's WWE The Comic is turning 400 pages old! WoooOOOOOOooooo!

Dark Pascual's Shaman Quest has reached a good 450 pages, and the story is barely beginning! Congrats!

The Carriers, a featured comic by roidvoid, would like to print a collected edition! roidvoid (who has already successfully printed individual ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:41AM, March 17, 2011

You don't want a TV like this one. He's downright MEAN! Everything from spoiling the plotlines of movies to killing your pets is perfectly normal for this guy. He'll stop at nothing to ruin your day! This is a professional looking colour humour comic strip about an ...

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MaxAxil interview, and Divine Leap conclusion

skoolmunkee at 11:04AM, March 6, 2011

Today we've got another new DD Member Interview! This time around, it's BffSatan interviewing MaxAxil of The Adventures of Random Epic! Here's a quick preview:

And of course your last comic is ‘Living with Dan and Stacey in Drunk Duck,’ a project that is sort of community-esque ...

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RSS for newsposts, Quackcast #8, new DDer interview and bits and bobs!

skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, Dec. 21, 2010

Why do we call Drunk Duck members “DDers” or “Drunk Duckers”? I mean, wouldn't “Ducks” (or Drunk Ducks) be simpler? I dunno. :shrug:

The Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Never miss a newspost with this fancy newfangled technology (okay it's been around a long time ...

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Monday feature -> SPECIAL EDITION

skoolmunkee at 12:35AM, Dec. 20, 2010

Fantastic art and funny writing, this sometimes-superhero comic is loaded with unexpected gags and shows a lot of dedication but definitely doesn't take itself too seriously. And really, how could anybody take a superhero who fights with spare change seriously? There's also bizarre creatures, modern-day pirates, and a ...

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Aelwyn of Amya interviewed, contest stuff, publishing, milestones, and podcasts!

skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, Dec. 10, 2010

Let's get right to it, shall we? Time's a-wastin! it is a key point to the plot. Though that won't make any sense at the current point in the story, it will within the next few chapters. The ...

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