Friday Fashion Spotlight 25: Kumiko, Maria, and Elda

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 13, 2022

Welcome to…
The DD Fashion Spotlight!
Number 25.

Hpkomic is sharing the load with Friday newsposts, so we alternate each week. My turn this week!

Kumiko, Maria, and Elda are all dressed as maids, in a very typically manga style. This is solidly a manga trope which comes from a ...

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Panel by Panel: 'Goldstar' and the Power of the Establishing Shot

hpkomic at 12:00AM, May 6, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

Let's start with our panel in question this week. This one comes from the webcomic of ...

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QUACKCAST 581 - David's always right

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 3, 2022

LISTEN on our new player!
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David's always right - Introducing Hpkomic! Hpkomic has been with DD since the earliest days, he's a comic artist, writer, English teacher, and podcaster. He even ...

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Do you have a "Sandbox Webcomic"?

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2016

Recently, one of Drunk Duck's O.G. webcomic creators, hpkomic, posted on the forums about a new wiki that is starting which allows webcomic creators (such as yourself) to draft a wiki page about your original comic. The only real requirement is that your comic can be considered a ...

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skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, Dec. 2, 2007

hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven) and kcg (Horribleville) have teamed up and gotten a comic into Nickelodeon Magazine! Rush out and buy it and tell everyone how much you like Wizard Brothers!

Don't forget that Darth Mongoose of FanDanGo has made it into the top 15 finalists of Rising Stars ...

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That's right, the sensation you've all heard about is here, skoolmunkee's NewsaTonic

skoolmunkee at 12:39PM, Oct. 12, 2007


Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome. If I may have your attention for just a moment or two, just a minute or three of your time today, I promise that I will tell you something and sell you something that will ...

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What is this strange emotion I feel?

skoolmunkee at 2:03PM, Oct. 1, 2007

Hey, a new interview is up! hpkomic of Galactic Hub Serreven!
Actually it's a pair of interviews, they go together, like tomatoes and tomahtoes, aluminum and aluminium, elevators and lifts… or maybe not, because neither of them are from England.

BUT, for now you only get part 1, and ...

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I'm alive! :O

Black_Kitty at 6:35PM, Sept. 17, 2007

Hello dear duckies~ I am not dead! But don't forget to check out Skoolmunkee's other newspost! I'll try to jump back into the fray to help things out.

This is old news but I recently got interviewed on The Dish. I haven't listened to it but ...

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Comic Book Challenge!

skoolmunkee at 11:54PM, June 20, 2007

The top 50 Comic Book Challenge entries have been announced! Are you on the list? We've got a couple of longtime DDers who have made it into the first round! (comic listed is the one they're known for on DD, not the one they submitted to the contest ...

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Oh the first blushing of spring~

Black_Kitty at 11:06AM, March 27, 2007

Oh you people~ Reading the news and not realizing that DrunkDuck is plunged into an epic CIVIL WAR!

But besides the Civil War and hpkomic's DrunkDuck Comic Jam, you know what you should also check out? DrunkDuck Fusion 16! Quick quick! Go check it out! And a thousand and ...

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