Some quick Saturday milestones

skoolmunkee at 11:48AM, June 13, 2009

YO Comix by Mushroomcomix has reached 125 pages! (Actually they reached it almost a week ago, I'm just late.)

Reaching 25 is chazzthecoleslaf's The Chronicles of Nothing! congrats!

Ushio also just reached 25 pages on the comic strip Japanofail! Congrats to you also!!

The Mighty Omega by omegasonic0 ...

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Another interview! And more milestones! And a contest!

skoolmunkee at 3:18AM, May 29, 2009 I thrive on bringing something original into reality. To be more specific and personal, for myself, it's a dream come true each time I can take my ideas and see it become a reality in front of me.

On Monday ...

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You guys are prolific!

skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, May 13, 2009

Have I got a bunch of news today! I don't even normally do news on Wednesday, but I figured there was so much that if I waited then I'd have even more…

Be sure not to miss the user interviews that have been posted this week - more are ...

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DD interviews, community stuff, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:05AM, May 11, 2009

In case you didn't know (I'm guessing most of you don't), the signups for Drunk Duck Fusion XXIII are up! What's the Fusion? People who sign up taking turns drawing a panel - but you only know what happened in the panel just before yours! They need ...

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Mafia, interview, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:07AM, May 7, 2009

Hey everybody! It's time to sign up for the next round of Mafia! I can't think of anyone who has given this game a try and hated it, so that must mean that if you try it you will like it too! They are changing the rules up ...

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Uh, interviews? And some monday milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:23PM, April 20, 2009

First up, I'm still waiting to hear any kind of peep from the people on the current round of the Interview Project - your assignments went out 2 weeks ago. I guess no one is going to do them? :[ Unless somehow mysteriously no one got their PQs… which I guess ...

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DD Mafia, Milestones, and a bunch of stuff from Villain Next Door!

skoolmunkee at 12:41AM, April 16, 2009

The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has hit 100 pages! The Mafia game is really fun, and being in the comic (which Niccea and others so generously do) is an extra bonus to playing! It's fun to read the comic and re-live the game, each one ends up being a ...

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The Mafia is back! (also contest and milestones)

skoolmunkee at 12:45AM, April 6, 2009

Mafia is a relatively new phenomenon here on DD, but I can personally attest that it's great fun, very engrossing, and a great way to get involved with other DDers! We feel like the games need a little more attention and some new players, so we're letting Game ...

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This newspost is on Wednesday, I'm being so crazy!

skoolmunkee at 2:43AM, March 25, 2009

OK- the last of the Round 6 interviews is up! (And round 7 can start when we get 2 more people)- this time around, it's
skoolmunkee interviews GiantPinkWalrus of Totally Cool Comic! His comics are not for the faint of heart, and perhaps his interview isn't either. :]

Polkster ...

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New interview, 2 contests, and lots of milestones this Monday!

skoolmunkee at 12:52AM, March 9, 2009

OK all- on Saturday we had the last of the interviews from Round 5. We've had 30 of these interviews come in this year, pretty amazing don't you think? And there's even more coming- Round 6 is underway and we have new ones next week! Maybe I ...

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