Photo: “Craters Edge by Jason Moon Review Page One”. Craters Edge review illustrated by ZeroHour. Lite Bites created by Genejoke. (October 2024)
Genejoke writes:
“All the comics submitted for review are either done or well in hand so I'm opening up for more volunteers to have their comics reviewed ...
Lite Bites Review Queue Reopened: Accepting Willing Victims to Have Comic Reviewed
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 11, 2024Panel By Panel: Expanding the Scope
hpkomic at 8:46AM, Feb. 9, 2024
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck.
This week, I wanted to take a step away from our usual format to gather some feedback about the direction of the column and consider some additional topics that might be worth covering ...
Genejoke is Searching for Willing Participants and Co-Reviewers for Lite Bites Comic Reviews
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 8, 2024
Photo: “Generic Review Avatar Guy”. Lite Bites by Genejoke. (December 2021)
Genejoke made a site-wide announcement on the forums three weeks ago asking for volunteers to have their comics reviewed by a team behind the Lite Bites comic reviews, spearheaded by Genejoke.
The Lite Bites Announcement:
"Lite bites reviews are ...
Quackcast Podcast Seeking Submissions for the 500th Episode!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 7, 2020
Hello Ducks,
The Quackcast is created and inspired from original content from the Drunk Duck 🍺🦆 community, current events in the Comic World, and thought-provoking ideas. It has been running since the end of 2010, which is nearly a decade, and the 500th Quackcast episode will be airing on Tuesday, October ...
When Feedback Doesn't Come
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 7, 2018
A couple of days ago Banes gave us a wonderful article on the issue of who to please- yourself or the audience, and how that can go very right or very wrong.
So that got me thinking that we should also talk about the dreaded silence. You update a page ...
Quackcast 191 - The Halloweencast part 2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 4, 2014 LISTEN!
- Art by Ozoneocean
We find our heroes STILL stuck far beneath the soaring spires of the Drunk Duck Gothic palace of doom, down deep in the dank, dark, dusty catacombs, their way lit by the guttering orange light of stinking flaming torches… As the quaking Banes and Ozoneocean ...
Quackcast 189 - It's YOUR CHOICE...
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 21, 2014 LISTEN!
- Art by VinoMas
It's YOUR CHOICE people, that's the name of the ongoing conic by VinMas who we interviewed on this week's Quackcast! YOUR CHOICE is an interesting comic, both in style and the way it's created; it's a real testemant to physical ...