Action scene comic book page
fallopiancrusader at 8:37AM, Feb. 15, 2018
A 48-minute time-compressed video of Fallopiancrusader creating pages 74 and 75 of his comic, “Mindfold”, with commentary about the drawing techniques and composition choices that he used.
Word Balloons in Photoshop (paths)
Darwin at 12:52PM, Nov. 9, 2011
I recently discovered this quicker/easier method to create dialogue bubbles on a single layer using the path function in Photoshop.
Hope it helps!
Previous tutorials can be found here:
Speech bubbles 1: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs42/150/f/2009/075/b/5/Speech_Bubbles_Tutorial_by_Tigershark06.jpg
Speech bubbles 2: http://tigershark06.deviantart.com/art/Speech-Bubbles-TWO-149627389?q=gallery%3Atigershark06%2F590876&qo=4
Digital Hair Coloring Tutorial
mishi_hime at 4:06PM, Aug. 12, 2011
How to color hair in Photoshop.
Writing for an artist
pillinjer at 10:49AM, Sept. 7, 2007
Writing for someone you dont know/ have never met
Working with digital screen tones
carly_mizzou at 3:22PM, July 12, 2007
How to screen tone your art digitally
Word Balloons (Computerized)
Ronson at 6:00AM, Sept. 2, 2007
Making Word Balloons with Illustrator (or similar programs)
Want to animate
suciue at 1:32PM, Oct. 15, 2009
Do you want to animate your sprite comic is it a good idea i so how do you do it
The Structure of a Manga Page
Lace at 1:58AM, Sept. 2, 2007
This is a tutorial to teach you about the structure of making manga! Can be used for other types of comics too!
The quickest ways to become a better artist...well some are quick
mundy at 4:13AM, Feb. 7, 2008
Tips on how to improve your art
The do's and don'ts of comic making and storytelling
mandk at 4:12AM, June 23, 2010
do you think you're doing the right thing with your comic? let's find out.
The Cartoon Art Show
cartoonprofessor at 7:14PM, Sept. 4, 2007
Learn how to draw a simple Cartoon Mouse with the Cartoon Professor