member since January 01, 2006
First and foremost, Im the writer and artist for The Gods of Arr-Kelaan (click on the comic to the right with that name. Theres hundreds of pages, so Ill wait until you get back). My brother helps me quite a bit with the coloring and effects of the comic and my wife tries valiantly to prevent me from embarrassing myself with poor grammar.
Secondly, Im a comics junkee. I buy a lot of the paper kind and try to keep up with several dozen online types. Theres just something about words and pictures that is so cool.
Anyway, drop me a line, discuss crap in the forums with me or ignore this profile altogether. And have a nice day for the gods sake!
Comics By Ronson
- Fantasy |
- 14 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
- Fantasy |
- 7 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
- Fantasy |
- 162 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 388 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 10 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Assisted By Ronson
- Political |
- 18 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Recomended By Ronson
Lo-res version of a timeless classic (? XD ) ~~ "Chance? Fate? ... Or Pawn? Jared fights to keep his soul, find redemption, and challenge an evil as old as civilization. A mature vampire tale set in Seattle."
Brutus is a moody bird that gets into a lot of trouble. Come check out all fun with him and his friends....(wow cheesy description) Remember Brutus back in the early days of DrunkDuck....he is BACK.
Oh, you know! Cats and junk! Yahoo!
The Old West, an era when all a man could count on was his horse and his six-gun, and Indians fought a losing battle with European settlers, or cowboys. Until somebody else entered the fight: aliens! A Platinum Studios comic!
A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?
Devoid of Life (science fiction horror) Following the discovery of a hidden planet in our solar system, a series of horrible deaths occur at an observatory leading investigators to a plot that threatens all human life.
An angel and demon are forced to live together in a rare deal between Heaven and Hell.
I've got MY chocolate vagina, where's YOURS? Updated Teusdays and Thursdays.
For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid
This is a story about a world much like ours excepts for the fact that magic is real and has always been! Imagine our world with all of it's technology but with a magical twist. Gods and Demons from classic myhtos are real in this fantastic world.
Skin and tragedy.
Phin, Sara and their girls, Cole and Ro, use their skills to fight evil in many forms. From vampires and werewolves, to evil mages, foul demons, nasty dragons, zombies, mummies and even time travelling, flying saucer driving Nazis. 37+ years and counting!
Pinky TA is a diesel-punk comic set in an alternative version of the 20's. It features the sexy Pinky, war, blood, steel, and fire!
A mind-bending tale of alternate realities. They say if you travel the road long enough, you eventually meet yourself. Join Nick Vargas, weary record store clerk, as his life is dramatically changed by an ancient and alien artifact.
Their hearts was stole by rock and roll.
Short subjects. Top-drawer rediscoveries. Half-forgotten finds of bedroom closet archeology. Maybe even some new stuff too!
Doctor Who humor!
Ronson's friends
forum topics started
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Videos Shared By Ronson
No videos.
Renamon at 4:05PM, Aug. 12, 2009
Thank's for the add
legueu at 12:20PM, April 3, 2009
Thank's for the add, love your comic. Happy to know that i'm not the only one comic junkie around.
soulcelshade at 6:25AM, Sept. 2, 2008
royduncan100 at 10:16PM, June 25, 2008
Thanks for be-friending me.Recommendations are cool too if you deem me worthy.By the way sorry about the delay in getting back to you. Roy
marine at 1:27AM, Nov. 13, 2007
Never see you around anymore. Good to see you added me to your friends thing though!
Walrus at 3:40AM, Oct. 26, 2007
thanks for the add. Arkelan deserves a higher position...hmm, top 5...
chocoman at 9:43PM, June 25, 2007
thanks for adding me as a friend.your awesome!
Chelano at 7:54AM, April 26, 2007
coolest old guy I know...HAHAH sorry dude. Your a good guy
eyesoftheblackk at 9:24PM, April 24, 2007
tenks for add man, whats up? and love the gods