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member since August 08, 2009


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Wade West had it all, he was the sidekick of the world famous Blackhawk! Once tragedy hits, Wade has to learn to live out of his mentor's shadow.

Bombshell is a kick-ass, no BS vigilante who is determined to fix the world - as UN advisor by day, in latex by night. She also appears regularly on Heroes Unite and Heroes Alliance.

A vampire tries to make it in the mortal world.

Now Playing: Chapter 29- The Mighty Warlord is a world mixing together puertorican culture, fantasy, character development, action, and romantic comedy. Updated Wednesdays-ish

Welcome to the 6th DrunDuck presentation by NickGuy! This ongoing series features babes, ninjas, and people who want to beat them up! The intensity will be high, blood and sweat will fly! So strap yourselves in for a high-action, high-octane adventure!

The adventures of two guys. Updates Mondays and Thursdays.

Rival Angels follows the story of Sabrina 'Ultragirl' Mancini and her three roommates in the fight of their lives as they battle against the best wrestlers in the world, contend with rivalries both personal and professional and try not to kill each other.


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Juvenile_Jay at 12:01AM, Sept. 18, 2009

Thanks for adding :-)

Gohlico at 1:35PM, Sept. 15, 2009

Thanks for adding me! :D

Neilak20 at 7:33AM, Sept. 8, 2009

Thanks for the add

Jabali at 12:34AM, Aug. 29, 2009


The Satoshi at 7:07PM, Aug. 25, 2009

Thanx-Q for be'n my friend

ShinuZero at 3:39AM, Aug. 25, 2009

I saw the friend add, much appreciated :]

DarkChibiShadow at 11:10PM, Aug. 23, 2009

Hey! Thanks for the add!

Lars and August at 12:54PM, Aug. 23, 2009

Hi dude. Thanks for the add and for Recommending our comic

LanceDanger at 11:05AM, Aug. 23, 2009

Hello, thanks for the add! :D

CornBreadtm at 5:16PM, Aug. 22, 2009

Thanks for the add!

Almost Famous at 3:12PM, Aug. 20, 2009

thanks for tha add I'm sure it will be worth it from both of us!

ifelldownthestairs at 10:16AM, Aug. 20, 2009

hey, an add! SWEEEETTTT thanks :D

Smiling Platypus at 5:52AM, Aug. 19, 2009

Cool avatar! Thanks for adding me as a friend. You keep good company!

Exzachly at 5:52AM, Aug. 14, 2009

hello, governor

blntmaker at 5:16PM, Aug. 13, 2009

Thanks for adding me my friend :).

Kota at 12:07PM, Aug. 13, 2009

Hi! Thanks for friendin' me!

DOUK at 11:24AM, Aug. 13, 2009

Cool, I'm a friend. To the very end. Yippy yippy yo that's all I got... anyways see ya around!

ProfessorF at 5:12PM, Aug. 12, 2009

Glad to be your friend!

trevoramueller at 11:17AM, Aug. 11, 2009

Thanks for the friend add!

that kid yellow at 10:23AM, Aug. 10, 2009

thnks for comment dude and the add

MrHades at 8:43AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Thanks for the kind comments about Retake! :)

Abt_Nihil at 6:46AM, Aug. 10, 2009

Thanks a lot for the add and for recommending Bombshell!

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