Public Profile

Ironscarfs Ghost

member since September 09, 2008


Scarf here, your top non-comic posting civil servant. Yes, Ive signed the official secrets act, but thats not why my comic is a secret: Im so busy with Her Majestys official government type business right now that I havent got round to drawing one.

Fear not: I will soon attempt to repay your heartfelt sincerity and dedication by putting my best foot forward, my shoulder to the wheel, my nose to the grindstone and doing away with mixed metaphors for the common good.

Early inspirations include Davey Law, Frank Bellamy, Syd Barratt, Don Lawrence, Mike Nesmiths hat, Byrne Hogarth, Jack Kirby, Bash Brannigan, john M. Burns, Phil Silvers and the bloke from the co-op.

Comics By Ironscarfs Ghost

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Comics Assisted By Ironscarfs Ghost

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Comics Recomended By Ironscarfs Ghost

The next evolution of martial arts is upon us. Small groups of martial artists are learning to tap into their chi to enhance their abilities. Dubbed chi-ters (cheaters) on the street, the premiere group of the new era is the Cloud Eagles.

In the world of Harkovast, magical races battle for survival against the Nameless armies of the West. Betrayals, intrigue, warfare and unrelenting bloodshed will determine the fate of all nations. Epic fantasy adventure, with furry / anthro characters.

A young girl's latent psychic power is awakened after witnessing a death in her family.

When Rebecca moves to Japan, her life becomes a cheesy shoujo manga. She gets a crush on bad boy Jin... but against all laws of shoujo- her attempts to woo him never seem to work! Is there such thing as a "happily ever after" outside of the books? ----

Futurella (The Synthetic Girl of the Future) and her amazing crew have adventures in time, space, and sarcasm! (

Rick lives in his Momma's basement, works a job he hates, hangs with his friends every spare minute complaining... all that changes because of a beautiful woman!(who isn't even in the story!!)... check it out :) UPDATES on Fridays!!

A character-driven superhero comic, set in the UK? One that's not a spoof? Oh, you'll be wanting Shades then!

YO! Comix is your average story about two average guys and their average know, like kidnapping an Everquest obsessed friend and taking him to Mexico, chasing gremlins, going to hell, and aliens. You'll Enjoy it for sure! READ IT NOW! NOW!


Ironscarfs Ghost's friends

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LittleDude0013 at 6:56PM, Dec. 20, 2008

Np, IronScarf! :)

Croi Dhubh at 10:02PM, Dec. 14, 2008

Thanks for the add, man!

Willicus at 6:08PM, Nov. 6, 2008

Canadian beers. ; D Might as well go all out.

Willicus at 1:38PM, Nov. 6, 2008

And as we say here in Canada: Eh?

warefish at 9:30PM, Nov. 5, 2008

As soon as I get enough money to buy one! :D Finding one is easy though. They're everywhere in Circular Quay.

NickGuy at 3:33PM, Nov. 2, 2008

haha yeah id wait till the kids are alseep for that too lol.

xMx_BigBoss at 10:23AM, Oct. 28, 2008

thanks :D

Jabali at 2:34PM, Oct. 17, 2008

thanks for adding me as a friend.

Steely Gaze at 9:50AM, Oct. 17, 2008

You added me as a friend? Why was I unaware of this? My messages weren't acting up, were they? Well, Scarfy, consider yourself friended in return. :) And once more, I really am quite sorry about the cola. Definitely should have told you.

Scheiden at 6:51AM, Oct. 2, 2008

Cool test pages man. Very, very cool. B)

trevoramueller at 12:57PM, Sept. 16, 2008

Thanks for the add!

Mushroomcomix at 10:49AM, Sept. 15, 2008

Thanks for the add Ironscarfs Ghost. Did you drink some of the Cola?

Renga Studio at 10:01PM, Sept. 14, 2008

Hi, Ironscarfs Ghost! Thanks for adding me! :) I've never been friends with the ghost of a DD user before!

Jellomix at 1:53PM, Sept. 13, 2008

Ha ha, ghost?

amanda at 7:49PM, Sept. 12, 2008

Well, we DID warn you. ...*I* didn't, specifically ^.^

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