Filler: Concept art

usedbooks on Feb. 22, 2021

I had some pet drama this week, and I'm working on some other “real life” stuff. But mostly, I am waiting for my book to finish printing and ship, so I can share it's amazingness with everyone.

In the meantime, I decided to very casually work on my upcoming story. It is a deviation from the main plot I didn't intend on actually writing, but my sister suggested it (and had questions she wanted answered about “background”), which gave me the excuse I needed to actually give it a try.

I'm not going to post pages until after my book comes, which will let me put a nice end cap on the previous collection of chapters. But here's some concept art I sketched to get in the mood/mindset for the next story, the different setting, and the not entirely all-new cast of characters.