Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Redux: Did you just update? Tell us why someone should visit your comic. But ONLY AFTER commenting about the comic BEFORE yours. ^_^
DocZola at 10:56AM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 7
joined: 7-31-2011
I would review the comic above, but I get a broken link. So what is the etiquette here? It's not like I can citique writing skills, I mean just read my new issue of Johnny Space Commander!(Nice segue.)
last edited on Aug. 6, 2011 10:57AM
Genejoke at 12:59PM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
Etiquette is that you comment on previous comic, if link is broken try going to the previous posters profile and find the comic that way.
As for yours… the art is simple and effective. The joke is older than the hills though.
In Lite bites Elektro's Mookie and Molly continues
DocZola at 1:47PM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 7
joined: 7-31-2011
Which joke are you talking about? They're all old.
Going back to “Found Art”. The writing is solid and the artwork follows the story. In other words they compliment each other very well.
I am not really a fan of the aesthetic of 3-D figure modeling, but it is used very well here. Just a matter of personal taste.
“Lite Bites” Mookie and Molly story: They idea of creating child-like artwork is great. Using watercolor backgrounds is something I do myself, brilliant! Not quite sure where the whole thing is heading right now, but it is a work in progress
The next poster will have to skip me and review “Lite Bites” again. I had to ruin the flow in order to followetiquette, and I can't have you review mine because I haven't updated since my last post.
Luminous at 8:02PM, Aug. 6, 2011
posts: 193
joined: 4-28-2006
I like the simplicity and the texture derived from the mixed media (I'm guessing?) traditional tools.
Wander updated today with page 2.

See my art on… Flickr | Tumblr
kyupol at 10:08PM, Aug. 7, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@Wander - cute comic you have there. I like the art.
MAG-ISA updates today…
Lucia defends herself…
BlkKnight at 7:54AM, Aug. 8, 2011
posts: 1,098
joined: 5-28-2007
@kyupol: Did she just block his blade without a weapon? And I guess it's not unexpected that strange statues vomit out weird energy.
Today's Crossing Death gives the gift of giving.
That's “Dr. BlkKnight” to all of you.
JazylH at 10:01AM, Aug. 8, 2011
posts: 133
joined: 7-29-2010
Crossing Death : LOL,Janelyn doesn't seem to impressed with the sacred weapon or she'd just being her typical self.
Beast Legion: Leviatha can be pretty seductive…but doesn't neccessary mean it'd work.

Updated Mondays & Fridays
Genejoke at 11:14AM, Aug. 8, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
That link didn't work but I found it easy enough…
I think your art is steadily improving, love the look of the big roider fella.
In The hero factor a muggibng takes place. Whaddaya mean it's all prt of the show?!
Emma T Capps at 8:51PM, Aug. 8, 2011
posts: 1
joined: 7-18-2011
The Hero Factor: The writing is snappy and the polished art makes good use of a limited color palate! Great job!
My comic The Chapel Chronicleshas just updated at (I can't figure out how to make the link work, sorry). I am a 14-year-old cartoonist and my webcomic details the life and antics of my zany, hat-loving character Chapel Smith. It would mean a lot to me if you were to take a look! Thank you very much.
last edited on Aug. 8, 2011 8:54PM
kyupol at 11:29PM, Aug. 9, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@Chapel Chronicles -yes. magick really works. Use the occult powers of the hogwarts… at your own risk. =/
- Updates today. Eman is a little… tied up.
last edited on Aug. 9, 2011 11:30PM
Doctor Shadow at 12:50AM, Aug. 11, 2011
posts: 904
joined: 1-6-2008
MAG-ISA: I am loving the action here so far, and the colouring is especially solid for this particular arc and update. Good stuff.
The Chronicles of Wyrden updates today and t-minus BOOM is upon us!
A Ronin writer, a masterless samurai of the written word…
Updating: Thursdays. Now in glorious Ink Wash and Water Soluble Pencil! Reva's note: This is not created digitally, it's all hand drawn and inked.
Hayakain at 8:53PM, Aug. 11, 2011
posts: 32
joined: 2-6-2010
@Doctor Shadow, I don't see many comics in black and white that are this impressive. The Chronicles of Wyrdenlooks to be sensational.
RyugouUpdated Wednesday. Currently in a flashback, come enjoy the sights and unfolding story! :D
Check out
OR for other works :D

last edited on Aug. 11, 2011 8:58PM
kyupol at 11:24PM, Aug. 11, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@Ryugou - very clean lineart… interesting storyline… and lots of… intended fanservice. Sorry I prefer humans and not alien cats. :)
MAG-ISA updates today… with Eman suddenly getting some… psychic phenomena…
last edited on Aug. 11, 2011 11:26PM
Genejoke at 12:46AM, Aug. 12, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
perhaps he sensed his own impending doom, followed by having his corpse violated by goat faced men. well maybe not. Good page though.
Equivocate has a new page despite a planned hiatus, Eddison and faulkners discussion is witness by others.
Evil_Hare at 5:44PM, Aug. 12, 2011
posts: 183
joined: 9-28-2009
I am impressed by your use of 3D models… in the beginning of the comic some pages just looked like mannequins, but the more recent ones are looking more natural. I'm looking forward to seeing your continued development!
—You should read Jake the Evil Hare and Darkfell because they will make you better looking. Really.
Genejoke at 1:17PM, Aug. 13, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
Looks like the croc already said too much.
Good page.
Unedrbelly returns, things really aren't looking good for Frank.
kyupol at 5:52PM, Aug. 14, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@Underbelly - looks very interesting. Nice cover and… this page is so… O_O:

- Claudita decides to come out and take the battle into her own hands…
Hayakain at 9:45AM, Aug. 16, 2011
posts: 32
joined: 2-6-2010
@kyupol: MAG ISA looks pretty sweet, I'm diggin' the fight currently raging!
Ryugouupdated yesterday afternoon. Kitty's retelling of her first meeting with Kyo continues as she is in no position to defend herself against her foe, but here comes Teo!
Check out
OR for other works :D

Genejoke at 2:00PM, Aug. 16, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
Really nice art, especially the muted colours in the first panel.
In Ubderbelly there is some head ripping.
Superamazing66 at 8:45PM, Aug. 16, 2011
posts: 8
joined: 8-8-2011
@genejoke; great looking comic, im impressed at the cg work and really like the ‘monster’ design
Just updated my comic today with one of my ongoing ‘tarkin and vader’ gags,
(mature content)
Evil_Hare at 5:03PM, Aug. 17, 2011
posts: 183
joined: 9-28-2009
I like your style! A vader who can party is a Vader I can get on board with. Forget Pattyme, Patty-moomoo, or whatever her name was!
One question thought.. why is he white?
Doctor Shadow at 12:46AM, Aug. 18, 2011
posts: 904
joined: 1-6-2008
Jake the Evil Hare: I am a pure sucker for nice black and white. I love the quirky style linework here, that style is something that you have really managed to make unique to your comic I think. I also love the subtle use of shade too…nice job :)
The Chronicles of Wyrden updates today and we're getting closer to BOOM!
A Ronin writer, a masterless samurai of the written word…
Updating: Thursdays. Now in glorious Ink Wash and Water Soluble Pencil! Reva's note: This is not created digitally, it's all hand drawn and inked.
kyupol at 5:18PM, Aug. 18, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
Chronicles of Wyrden - Looks interesting so far… the opening scene to chapter 14. I love your details. :)
- Lucia gets the crap beaten out of her…

Genejoke at 12:20AM, Aug. 19, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
The page looks good, the brighter colours work better than the muddy browns of a lot of the previous pages. Is there an award for longest fight scene ever? you could probably win it with this.
Lite bites continues daily updates as Elektros Mookie and Molly nears it's conclusion.
Avasyu at 10:44AM, Aug. 20, 2011
posts: 1
joined: 8-20-2011
Bright colors and nice shadow work there.
Check out
StudioNFC at 12:15PM, Aug. 20, 2011
posts: 27
joined: 2-24-2007
Died Again ( a hilarious and cute strip, with witty writing and quite possibly some of the best inks I've seen in a very long time (mind you I've been inking professionally for 8 years, so I know a thing or three). The pop-culture references are great and I could easily see this strip being as popular as the famous PVP strip if the creators stick with it. Very nice stuff. Be sure to check out my own book, Grimm, Indiana at: AUDIENCES ONLY!)

Craig DeBoard
Production Artist/Illustrator
“Grimm, Indiana” - Creator, Writer, Artist
kyupol at 10:42PM, Aug. 21, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@ Grim Indiana - Bloody fight scene the past 5 pages… O_O And… “headbook”. LOL!!!
- Part of Lucia's memory returns… And scroll down for rant that illustrates just how much I put research into my comics. Psychology… one of my favorite subjects. :)
Doctor Shadow at 5:54AM, Aug. 25, 2011
posts: 904
joined: 1-6-2008
MAG-ISA: A really nice sequence you have here, I dig the juxtaposition of the black and white static-grain and the colour. Very nicely done!
The Chronicles of Wyrden updates today - and there are no need for words!
A Ronin writer, a masterless samurai of the written word…
Updating: Thursdays. Now in glorious Ink Wash and Water Soluble Pencil! Reva's note: This is not created digitally, it's all hand drawn and inked.
Superamazing66 at 5:33PM, Aug. 25, 2011
posts: 8
joined: 8-8-2011
@ doctor shadow- I really like your sketchy look. The shadowing/greying really strikes me since you don't really see much traditional hand drawn comics anymore.
My new comic is up today at
The new one isn't dirty but others are for mature audiances
StudioNFC at 7:26PM, Aug. 26, 2011
posts: 27
joined: 2-24-2007
kyupol wrote:
@ Grim Indiana - Bloody fight scene the past 5 pages… O_O And… “headbook”. LOL!!!

LOL! Thanks for the kind words Kyupol. Hope you continue reading Grimm. I have some big things planned for the characters very soon :) And Superamazing66, your “Dammit Robin” strip was HILARIOUS!!!! I'm so sharing this on my FB and G+ accounts! Classic stuff LOL!

Craig DeBoard
Production Artist/Illustrator
“Grimm, Indiana” - Creator, Writer, Artist
last edited on Aug. 26, 2011 7:29PM

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