Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Redux: Did you just update? Tell us why someone should visit your comic. But ONLY AFTER commenting about the comic BEFORE yours. ^_^
D Comix at 3:11PM, Oct. 5, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
Thumbs up to the illustrator on True Masters! Great writing too btw. There's really no criticisms here so keep working on it!
Skooland has three more pages of Castaways well actually six because on Monday the site was acting weird and I couldn't get on the forums.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
raimusxczar at 11:38AM, Oct. 7, 2011
posts: 15
joined: 11-7-2007
your drawing shows a lot of promise so keep working on it and you'll be great. some advice i'd give you to improve would be to perhaps ink your drawings or atleast use a darker type of lead. also use a ruler to make all the panels for your comic so it can look a lot cleaner.. aside from that your style and character design is very fun and cartoon-y. keep up the good work!
Here's my comic The Living End.

D Comix at 4:40PM, Oct. 7, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
The cover of The Living End looks really awesome. Nice use of the markers too.^^
Skooland updates with three more pages.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
Genejoke at 5:25AM, Oct. 8, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
I have to second what raimusxczar said, you art shows promise but needs some fine tuning.
B.A.S.O. has a new page, in which Harriet makes an offer out of desperation.
spacehamster at 9:08AM, Oct. 10, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
I usually don't like Poser-created comics (at least I assume that's what Genejoke uses), but BASO actually looks nice. The page layout is purposeful and lean, not the usual clutter you often get in these types of comics, the facial expressions are well done and the lighting works. Very nice.
Bulletproof (link in sig) updates today. Someone finally thinks outside the box (literally, really), and the bad guy gets vaporized. FWAMM! Yep.
TommyBrownell at 9:59PM, Oct. 11, 2011
posts: 20
joined: 9-20-2011
This was the first time I checked out Bulletproof, but I'm definitely going to have to take a closer look. The art looks great in color and black and white, and I'm a pretty big fan of being able to tell the characters apart by more than what they are wearing (although, in an odd change of pace, the women look more distinct than the men do).
Good stuff.
Hellrazer, linked below, updates every Tuesday and Friday.
Check out Hellrazer the Series, every Tuesday and Friday!
Genejoke at 2:10AM, Oct. 12, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
One good font, one hideous font. Strangley the creepy vampire chick has the good font. intresting page. This is in my favouriates list but I haven't read it fully yet.
B.A.S.O. has a new page, more talking hopefully the exosition isn't too clumsy.
D Comix at 4:35PM, Oct. 12, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
The 3D characters in BASO are quite interesting though I like the female characters more. As for the talk bubbles, I ended up reading several out of order. But that doesn't keep me from understanding what's going on.
Skooland updates with three pages.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
spacehamster at 5:26AM, Oct. 17, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
Sig link is broken, mang. Thought you'd want to know. Although I have no idea how to fix it, mine's from before the site change and magically still works.
Anyway, obviously the big strength here is the facial expressions. Plus I honestly don't remember ever seeing a comic with talking pencils, so points for originality as well. ;-)
Bulletproof updates today. This page concludes the current chapter, so now's the time to read it all in one go if that's what floats your boat. Vector barks orders! Atlas gets snippy! And where's Whiplash's handbag? Epic stuff, right?
swoobie at 4:46AM, Oct. 20, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
So, I checked out the entire 5th issue. Great artwork, love the backgrounds and shadowing. Not sure if I'm feeling the inner monologues (maybe too many of them for me), but to each their own. It's a writing choice. Again though, great inking on this project!
2-page update for The True Masters Chronicles (actually 4-page update since I last posted in this forum). First introduction to 2 key characters in these pages!
joe5art at 3:40PM, Oct. 20, 2011
posts: 19
joined: 5-23-2011
Hi, My name is Joe and I'm fairly new to the site but not doing comics. I've got a BFA in Illustration and have taught in the past.
I'm going to talk about D Comix's Skoolland. Overall you have good storytelling and it's nice how you change the readers view through the story. I would watch your panels to make sure the order they are to be read in is clear. You have to think about what order the panels in page 33 should be read.
On the tech. side of things 1) you should be able to darken up you likes in photoshop or whatever program your using. That would make it a bit easier to read. 2) you could make the font lighter or thinner so it's not so domminate. If you go to there are some very good comic fonts and a lot of them are free.
Here is my deal. I'm posting and reworking my comic strip Elsewhere and plan to start a new one down the road. I will do a Critque for anyone that is does one of mine. Just make sure you let me know so I don't miss it.
Thanx, Joe
P.S. you can see more of my other artwork at
swoobie at 7:12PM, Oct. 20, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Not sure if Joe paid attention to this forum's format or not, but I'm just simply going to repost. Hope no one minds. Need the feedback…

So, I checked out the entire 5th issue.  Great artwork, love the backgrounds and shadowing.  Not sure if I'm feeling the inner monologues (maybe too many of them for me), but to each their own.  It's a writing choice.  Again though, great inking on this project!
2-page update for The True Masters Chronicles (actually 4-page update since I last posted in this forum).  First introduction to 2 key characters in these pages!
kyupol at 6:04PM, Oct. 23, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@ True Masters - Nice comic. Very well-colored and easy to understand.
MAG-ISA updates today with the cover page for Chapter 17: Extinguish the Light
last edited on Oct. 23, 2011 6:05PM
Tantz_Aerine at 11:47PM, Oct. 23, 2011
posts: 1,993
joined: 10-11-2006
For Mag-Isa: The cover is very ominous. I really like the glowing effects as well as the way symbolic things are scattered around her pretty much like in a film about ritualistic serial killers. Well done!

Without Moonlight updates today with Fotis running around and into things.
NoLifeComic at 6:18PM, Oct. 24, 2011
posts: 2
joined: 10-21-2011
Tantz Aerene: The guy with the scar on the left reminds me of Iruka Sensei from Naruto. (idk if you watch Naruto but if you really care just google image him.)
Your art is really good!
Check out my comic here.
It's a random comedy strip. I do them at school so you know they're good(because I don't do anything else in school) Anyway, my art isn't anything too impressive, but it gets the job done, so I'm not gonna post any art, so I hope you'll czech it out.

Check out my comic here.
Genejoke at 2:01AM, Oct. 26, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
I little work to imprve the presentation wouldn't hurt. I can't say I get the joke either. sorry.
In B.A.S.O. we have what Bravo referred to as a hardware page.
PIT_FACE at 6:12AM, Oct. 26, 2011
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
a hardware page indeed! and i have to applaud that cuz i know for me anyways, i lack the patience to ever do those things or at least in great detail. so i give ya applause for that.
Brave Resistance updates with Hynter meeting his savior…the ram apperantly.

ayesinback at 11:27AM, Oct. 26, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
This page perfectly captures that disorientation when one comes out of anesthesia (particularly with the question of one Dr Ram). Nice job!!

At long last, the 2011 Druck Duck Radio Play comic is complete - with heartfelt thanks to many.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
swoobie at 3:21PM, Oct. 26, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Definitely an original idea on how the names were displayed. Could've been pretty boring with all the text, but the way it was presented was creative and interesting. Always a challenge to make assembled text interesting, so kudos to whomever thought of the idea and put it together.
Another 2-page update for The True Masters Chronicles. Things escalate, and finally we get our first peak at some ACTION!!!
kyupol at 7:01PM, Oct. 28, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@True Masters Chronicles = nice fight scene. Though personally, I'd put more speedlines and motion blurs.
MAG-ISA updates today… Eman Cruz gets memory flashbacks of Nazi Germany
Genejoke at 12:06AM, Oct. 31, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
how could the nazis be working on ufos? they wouldn't exactly be unidentified flying objects if they were the ones making them. :D
In B.A.S.O. Jonathon gets a dressing down.
swoobie at 10:09AM, Nov. 2, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Illustrations/graphis look great. Think there's a punctuation typo…looks like a comma in the second panel after “I am”. Think it should be a period. Other than that, good work!
1-page update for True Masters this week! Two opposing forces, finally face-to-face…
kyupol at 3:43PM, Nov. 3, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@True Masters Chronicles - Nice dialog in the latest page.
MAG-ISA updates today:
Lucia talks about what she plans to do with Eman.
Genejoke at 12:30AM, Nov. 4, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
Sounds like my ex.
effective page though.
In B.A.S.O. Margo teases Lucas.
D Comix at 2:00PM, Nov. 4, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
I like the first panel on Jonathan 1:2. The storyline is looking real good :).
Due to recent internet troubles, I haven't been able to update Skooland but now everything fine again. Three pages have been added.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
HabilisOrian at 11:19PM, Nov. 6, 2011
posts: 12
joined: 4-20-2011
Anthropomorphic Pencils…now I've seen it all. I dig your choice of character design, looks promising. Definitely going to backtrack to see what all the drama between Danny and Jet is all about.

Genejoke at 11:32PM, Nov. 6, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
The art on Autumn blood is really well done, although I'm not a fan of the style. One crit though, the speech bubble placement on the latest page isn't that eay to follow.
In BASO we have a dialogue free page as things go pear shaped.
kyupol at 4:20AM, Nov. 7, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
@BASO -Nice flow of action. At first sight, it looks like a laser gun but the BLAM is something else. :)
Btw, “BASO” means “glass” in Tagalog.
MAG-ISA updates today.
Lucia begins to beat up Eman…
simonitro at 5:29AM, Nov. 7, 2011
posts: 618
joined: 1-14-2006
On MAG_ISA, I really want to touch up on this comic since I used to read it and Eman is getting his ass handed to him by one hot babe. Hey, if I were him, I would stay down… lol :p
On Electronic Revolutions: The Burnhams Burnhams are back with some action… Bosser is evil as always… look how cute he is! :p

Enjoy… Las Vegas-y
last edited on Nov. 7, 2011 5:34AM
Gary Boyarski at 1:01PM, Nov. 7, 2011
posts: 4
joined: 11-5-2011
Good job on you use of facial expressions on your characters. Conveying proper emotion is essential in good cartooning.
I'm completely new to this business of webcomics, and this site. My comic strip “Boozer & Stoner” spun out of my mini comics. They've been around for years, but this is the first time I'm pushing them out into the world.
You can check my strip out here:

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