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Redux: Did you just update? Tell us why someone should visit your comic. But ONLY AFTER commenting about the comic BEFORE yours. ^_^
PIT_FACE at 7:41AM, Sept. 19, 2011
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
BASO-ah, so yer becoming one of the big posers on DD (well poser as in you know, POSER, but digital wise.) it'll be interesting to see ya take on a space opera, you really dont limit yourself to the genres you take on and that's very cool to see. pulled off the panel with the stars very nicely, almost looks like a picture from huble! and i've liked that your characters dont have that dead doll like quality that some posers seem to have, that just gets under my damn skin, so kudos!
BRAVE RESISTANCE updated with our dashing and handsome american pilot waking up in a world of hurt some where in some weird country called Greece, go figure. nursing assistants are hiring young these days…
DD- can we please fix these fucking links… if the page doesnt show up for you, go through my profile. it's NOT the banner i have in my sig.

last edited on Sept. 19, 2011 7:44AM
JazylH at 11:32AM, Sept. 19, 2011
posts: 133
joined: 7-29-2010
I agree. The links need to be fixed, pronto. Fortunatley for me, Brave resistance is a comic i check regularly.
The paneling work on the page is Amazing & it's good to see hunter wake up. The art keeps improving with every page so thats a great plus point as well.
Beast Legion: Master Surya uses his power for summoning something that'll help train Xeus.

Updated Mondays & Fridays
spacehamster at 2:00PM, Sept. 19, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
Nice use of grey values and perspective on this Beast Legion page. If I have one criticism, it's that maybe the font is a bit small, I'm finding it a tad hard to read - but the page layout is really good. Nice work.
Bulletproof (link in sig, not gonna bother trying to get it in the post, ahem…) updates today, and we finally find out why the big ugly cyborg's been shooting up Gilligans Mall this whole time. Unsurprisingly, it's not pretty, heh.
D Comix at 3:14PM, Sept. 19, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
The use of colors and such in Bulletproof is really good. There's no criticisms I have for it. Just keep up the good work.
Skooland was just updated with another five pages and my update schedule for my comic has been irregular so I'm going to make it clear. Skooland will update Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the remaining chapter.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
Superamazing66 at 4:48PM, Sept. 20, 2011
posts: 8
joined: 8-8-2011
@ D Comics:Theres something very unique in your drawing style. I can definately see this style going somewhere. I'd try hand lettering too if i were you, i can see you doing something very creative with the sound effects and whatnot
Yet again One Panel Sideshow has been updated and as alwayssome of the humor is a little vulgar so just a heads up.
swoobie at 6:17AM, Sept. 21, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Well, as soon as I got on the page I chuckled…the title “Face Full of Sausage” is definately an eye-catcher and humerous. Also thought the actual comedy in the scene was catchy. Capturing the humor with just the scenery and 5 words of dialogue is something I admire (extremely hard for me to do as I tend to be long-winded).
I took a look at the other panels and I'd just advise to be careful of typos. Thought I saw one in your “Good Mood Food” update. Other than that, clear-cut, to-the-point, humerous comic.
I did a 2-page update for The True Masters Chronicles. In the book its a 2-page spread, so I figured I'd upload both so hopefully it makes sense to the viewers. Looking forward to your comments!
last edited on Sept. 22, 2011 4:24AM
Genejoke at 7:28AM, Sept. 21, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
I really like the colouring on those pages, very nice. Not much else to say yet, far too early to get much of a feel for the comic.
B.A.S.O. has a new page, more discussion as Lucas makes a prast of himself.
Dee Arris at 10:27AM, Sept. 22, 2011
posts: 11
joined: 8-2-2010
I'll be honest by saying I'm not a huge fan of 3D art, and the girl's smile in panel 5 is a touch creepy, but I find the dialogue to be very engaging and the interactions realistic.
Skelwarp and Sons has updated, and we pay homage to Stanley Kubrick, who directed the filmby which this page was inspired, by colouring it just as outrageously as the one he created.
last edited on Sept. 24, 2011 5:07PM
D Comix at 1:38PM, Sept. 23, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
@ Superamazing66
I like the style of your comics and nice humor. I'll take a look at the hand lettering
thing. Anyway Skooland has updated with one reason why fishing can be dangerous.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
devlinsaints at 6:23AM, Sept. 24, 2011
posts: 14
joined: 4-12-2011
((Simplistic and not very deep)) That was my first impression, but On closer inspection…
I see you actually have some thought out layout there. I wish your stuff wasnt so rough tho, I see the characters in the background with color, and they look good!
I wish the entire thing looked like that, but whatever. I DO like what you have up with the pencils. Pretty intense mouth to mouth BTW.
I tried to make the links work but NO luck. anyhelp would be Appr on that subject.I updated Short Story World/ still on the Pirate Poem.
last edited on Sept. 24, 2011 6:37AM
PIT_FACE at 8:27AM, Sept. 25, 2011
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
SHORT STORY WORLD-i really dig the art! it's very animated and the duck reminds all to well of my early 20's. hopin he goes to AA for all our sakes! he's workin on it, i know… my only gripe really is that that “i hate goats” grafitti standing alon on e the wall is a little distracting. i'd add some more grafiti or decorations in the background to even it out becuase how it's positioned on the panel and that it's so alone, cartches my attention beof re the dialogue does and throws me off track for a second. other than that, delightful!
PUTRID MEAT- WE'RE BACK DUDE!!!after being gone for a long long time, the escapees do what they can to stay ahead of the mob, meanwhile, Bones always has to be the one upper, so he gets to careen through some glass! why and where and how? we'll find out on the next page.

Genejoke at 11:16PM, Sept. 25, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
It's good to see PM back, and I really like the last panel. Not a lot else to say on that one, it looks good but not a massive plot pusher.
In B.A.S.O. Margo meets the captain.
JazylH at 7:13AM, Sept. 26, 2011
posts: 133
joined: 7-29-2010
B.A.S.O: That is some really cool use of 3d, Great job! Love the lighting & ambience as well.
The Beast Legion: Xeus is not convinced that little people can be trainers.

Updated Mondays & Fridays
spacehamster at 8:25AM, Sept. 26, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
One problem with this thread is how you always end up commenting on the same comic because it happens to be one of the ones that update on the same day… anyway, I'm pretty sure I already pointed out the strong page layout and use of facial expressions in Beast Legion last week, so I'll add that I also like how JazylH changes angles and alternates between closeups and long/medium shots a lot to keep things fresh. Very nicely done.
On today's Bulletproof page… well, a nuke goes off. Some other stuff happens, but if a nuke goes off, I really don't see how anything else is worth mentioning. Link in sig.
Genejoke at 1:55PM, Sept. 26, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
The art is good but is one of those cases where I think good colouring would really bring it to life. Sort of like the early pages, of course colouring can be very time consuming so i get why you don't.
In lite bites we have a short story by Bravo1102, it's a WW2 set mini tale, currently on page two of five.
D Comix at 9:51PM, Sept. 26, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
SHORT STORY WORLD-Oh I love the poetry of the comic and I'm not usually that into poetry though I like hip hop music. As for the art, it's good and I especially liked the joker page, very cool there! You seem to have everything in good shape. The random pages featuring drunk duck and quail is something I'm really looking forward to.
Skooland has been updated with another three pages revealing another conflict within the story.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
EssayBee at 6:30PM, Sept. 27, 2011
posts: 160
joined: 11-10-2009
Love the expressiveness of your characters. Even though the art is pencil, it's very clean (and no smudges, which amazes me for some reason).
Over at Fusion, today marks the last of Fusion's vacation photos as you can see her (sporting her new hair-do) and her family. Next week it's on to Issue #5. That's over at (or just click on my sig).
simonitro at 11:52AM, Sept. 28, 2011
posts: 618
joined: 1-14-2006
On Fusion, it seems EssayBee had a kick ass vacation. Vacations are awesome and she's hinting for the next issue soon. That would be exciting to start reading. :)


On Electronic Revolutions: The Burnhams, After 2 months absent, I'm back with an experimented new look on my comic and some enhancement on the art while the story is progressing.

Enjoy :)

Enjoy… Las Vegas-y
Genejoke at 12:44PM, Sept. 28, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
That looks a lot cleaner than i remember it being before. I like it.
B.A.S.O. has a new page, The short guy reveals his name, sort of…
swoobie at 2:13PM, Sept. 28, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Marveled at your layout of dialogue bubbles. Very interesting how this was staged so as not to loose the flow of the conversation. Also loved that the captain was “vertically challenged”…I feel a Napoleon complex coming on…lol. Must also say as a male, I'm loving the rump on the female lead. Excellent junk-in-the-trunk!
2-page prologue update to The True Masters Chronicles. Story begins next update!!
Lopriest at 12:36AM, Sept. 29, 2011
posts: 59
joined: 10-28-2008
I really like the coloring. Curious to see how the story develops.
Usually forget about this thread when I update. Anyway, remembered today, completing the corruption of the guardian of the peace :D
Warning: adults only.
last edited on Sept. 29, 2011 12:43AM
Net at 9:33AM, Sept. 29, 2011
posts: 124
joined: 8-19-2006
heh, well… what's to say about the latest page of Dark Sisters, other than that's ONE way to work a deal. I don't remember ANY of my business affairs having client meetings like this one…
For my comic, don't go to the one in my banner (if it even works, haven't checked in the new forums yet whether it does or not). Instead, I've got a new comic that's updating weekly now that might be a bit different from what you might normally read. Let the Hunt begin is my newest comic, written by myself and illustrated by Humbug from Tales of Pylea. It revolves around Ian, a new MouseHunter to the Kingdom of Gnawnia as he begins to learn the ropes of hunting mice. This is a fan comic of the Facebook game, Mousehunt, by HitGrab entertainment. The game is immersive and surprisingly addictive, and the webcomic will be updating weekly if anyone's interested. :)

Updating monthly since January, 2005!
**now full time on the Duck!**
last edited on Sept. 29, 2011 9:45AM
Genejoke at 2:53PM, Sept. 29, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
Very nice line art, the dialogue seems pretty goos too.
BASO has updated again, We learn something about Captain Half-pint.
D Comix at 5:43PM, Sept. 30, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 12-14-2010
@Essay Bee, Fusion is just so clever and witty with great humor. The main character, Savuun, is so cute and funny! :)
Skooland updates with positive energy coming into the story again.
Freedom Fighters (Ongoing)
Skooland (Updates Mondays and Fridays)
Mad Chicken Auto(On Temporary hiatus)
Genejoke at 10:40PM, Sept. 30, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
@Dcomix please reread the thread description. When posting please comment on the comic of the previous poster NOT the last person to comment on yours.
In regards to tyour comic I saw a whole buch of nothing. No image.
Lite bites has updated with a new Spleen strip.
JazylH at 6:30AM, Oct. 3, 2011
posts: 133
joined: 7-29-2010
Lite_Bites: HAHAA! Can't stop laughing. So barbarians do fear Bears after all. Just hope the poor camel gets a chance to escape. :)
Beast Legion: Ginta doesn't seem impressed with Xeus, but will things change?

Updated Mondays & Fridays
spacehamster at 10:18AM, Oct. 3, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
Looks like you're stuck with me again, JazylH… ;-)
I guess since I've already commented on the quality of the facial expressions, page layouts and varying camera angles, I'll point out something I really like about the lettering this week - it's always nice to see a webcomic whose author actually takes the time to do properly shaped word balloons with curved tails, rather than the usual ellipses-with-triangles. I was guilty of the latter for long enough myself until I saw the light, but these days, it's kinda something I notice.

On today's Bulletproof page (link in sig), the bad guy has lost his a-bomb, so he drops an f-bomb instead. Plus a couple hundred bullets. Clearly, he's mad. Also, that spacehamster guy rambles even more about lettering in the comments.
Tantz_Aerine at 11:35AM, Oct. 3, 2011
posts: 1,993
joined: 10-11-2006
For Bulletproof: Awesome angles and the layout really advances the action in this page. Very crisp and clear black and white! Really great job.
Brave Resistance updates today with Hunter's first meeting with the doctor.
EssayBee at 6:29AM, Oct. 4, 2011
posts: 160
joined: 11-10-2009
A Brave Resistance update is always a treat. Okay, the writing, art, and colors are always top-notch (as I hope I've made clear in other posts!), but I think the color-coded text for the different languages is a really great idea. Plus, I really like the look of the site with the bloody footprints in the snow background. Not only does the comic look great, but so does the BR site. Very nicely done!
Over at Fusion, it's time to get back to the story as the fifth issue kicks off with a first look at the Fabulous Five (granted Psy-Girl had an appearance last issue). Click on my sig to check it out!
swoobie at 1:57PM, Oct. 5, 2011
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
The cover looks great. Not sure what's going to happen in this issue but from my understanding, this is the “unveiling” of all the hero characters for the first time together as a unit. Your current readers should be excited to see this if this is something you have been leading up to throughout your story. As someone seeing the comic for the first time and me not knowing the total story, I'm not sure if I grasp the weight of what's in the cover…the first assemblance of these 5 heros. Just a note to try to draw in both your current readership AND new readers that happen past your comic. (maybe showingthem in“action” will satisfyboth…I don't know. Just a suggestion.) Great artwork, and great coloring though!
In The True Masters Chronicles, the REAL story begins with the latest 2 updates. Time to dive in!

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