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Redux: Did you just update? Tell us why someone should visit your comic. But ONLY AFTER commenting about the comic BEFORE yours. ^_^
bravo1102 at 11:24PM, Feb. 7, 2012
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Everytime I walk through a graveyard I get a similar feeling. Intriguing story line so far. A lot about the comic feels rushed and that's reflects wellon your enthusiasm but slow down. Savor what you're doing and that can make a big difference in your work.

In the most recent page of Battle of the Robofemoids the grey guys make contact with another ship in scenes of hokey Special Effects.
Battle of the Robofemoids is rated M for rampant nudity.

Disclaimer: Yes they are dolls, (or action figures)but they are not Barbies. Barbie is the registered trademark of Mattel for their teen fashion doll and Mattel doesn't like Babs depicted like this and will take legal action.
Genejoke at 2:03AM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Barbie doesn't have nipples. I really need to catch up on this… well start reading it more like before you get too far ahead of me. I know eactly what to expect and it is presented all on the latest page. breasts, self referential humour and some more breasts for good measure.
I give you a new page of BASO, in which we catch up with Stavlov and co as things get a bit fishy. Or rather VERY fishy.
skekTek at 2:32PM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 15
joined: 1-5-2012
Genejoke, good. I hate when fish mess withmy day too! The art is Poser if I'm correctand my only crit would be to lay off the comic book poses and go a little more natural with your movements. Not everyone should look like a track and field gymnist when running down the hall.

Today on, we find that the life of a die is not without danger!
last edited on Feb. 9, 2012 2:33PM
WiffleBall at 3:56PM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 315
joined: 11-12-2008
One thing I really like about this strip is that the emotions of the characters get across despite not having faces and/or limbs. This impresses me. You get a gold star.
Now hopefully todays installment of PRB (link in sig) makes sense, ‘cause I’m a tad worried about that. Especially since it's based on true events.
okoyakicomics at 4:12PM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 11
joined: 8-27-2011
Wiffleball's sense of humor is really the driving force behind Paper Rose Briagde. I'm actually writing this inbetween an exam session and my students' return to finish out the rest of class, and had a VERY hard time not cracking up in front of everyone. What really makes PRB great is how relatable the series is–many of the strips I looked through were almost word-for-word from life events of my own (socializing = talking with your guild mates; priceless). Good stuff here if you need a quick laugh in your day.

I just posted a pilot chapter for a story concept I've been mulling over for a while now. The very few out there who've lost their minds enough to read my comic (grin) know that I tend to lean towards a very Shonen Jump (cough-Dragonball-cough) style. This new story is . . . well, new. It's not as silly as Okonomi Yaki (it's a drama; it's not silly at all). It's only 12 pages long, but I think that the story is sufficently set up in the length I have. I'm very interested in feedback on this one, for those who would be so kind.
If you are kind enough to give me feedback, PQ me or just post in the comments section.
Thanks all,
swoobie at 8:24PM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
Project Castle is VERY intriguing. From the very beginning it grabs your interest and keeps your interest as the story develops. There's only a few pages, but still, you can tell in those few pages that the story-telling style and story itself will keep you intrested for the long haul. Good stuff here!
1-pager for “True Masters”. Let us know how we're doing…
TheStonertainment at 9:36PM, Feb. 9, 2012
posts: 10
joined: 1-23-2012
True masters - wow just be honest just when you sent the cover you are sucked in, you want to see more. your art to put it simply is great, I myself usually prefer color comics, but yours is great either way may I say even better in Black Now you may not be super far for story wise, but the story you have provided for us is fantastic and I look forward to seeing your characters develop more.
Now to us : First we would like to apologize for being a day late on this one, but
with work and this one being a dramatic page it was a bit much lol. we
hope you all enjoy and till the next update
here is the link:
gullas at 6:54AM, Feb. 10, 2012
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
Can't say I'm a fan of sprite comics in general. With a bit of work the pages might look better. There is too many panels per page, too much text per panel and too much going on so it actually makes it a bit difficult to read. The sprite themselves might, can't really say anything bad about them but the characters are pretty simillar to eachother… might be the style of it.
So I updated.
Genejoke at 12:25AM, Feb. 11, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
So what REALLY happened with that chick? was she a little rough? did she leave you hanging upside down from one foot?
Lite bites continues the review of Shades as the bad guys wade in with their opinions.
bravo1102 at 10:45PM, Feb. 12, 2012
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
It is fabulous that in Lite Bites the reviews are so much more than just talking heads. It's creative and highly readable.
Battle of the Robofemoids: the Grey Guys unleash the robofemoids on the pirates.
spacehamster at 9:29AM, Feb. 15, 2012
posts: 500
joined: 8-3-2007
Pretty surprising that you actually managed to get a cool-looking action scene with dolls… panel 1 especially looks really neat.
Today on Bulletproof, Field Operations Director Quinn delivers the exposition like only he can.
Tantz_Aerine at 10:15AM, Feb. 15, 2012
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
For Bulletproof: Absolutely great use of black and white, and I love how you separated the panels. Well done!
Without Moonlight updates after the short hiatus, and Basil and his grandma are home.
Champion City Comics at 10:37AM, Feb. 15, 2012
posts: 27
joined: 9-21-2010
Without Moonlight: Wow, what a good story. I knew nothing about the occupation of Greece and congratulations on a job well done.
THE RED DEVIL, an action adventure webcomic, has been updated! Check it out at
Tantz_Aerine at 10:59AM, Feb. 15, 2012
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
For Red Devil: This is professional level work, each frame looks like a still from an animated feature.

I rarely get to do this twice, heh heh…
Brave Resistance updated on valentine's day, and it talks about love. XD
bravo1102 at 10:48PM, Feb. 15, 2012
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Brave Resistance: I know that I love Nikos. The bedside manner of someone who takes great pride in his practice of medicine.

Battle of the Robofemoids: More battle with lasers and light sabers.
Genejoke at 12:19AM, Feb. 16, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Yeah you summed the page up perfectly, not sure what I can add. Robofemoids version Mace windu, jack sparrow and… um, who's the other?
In Lite bites we have the opening page of a short written by myself with art from the awesome Ramlama.
Escutcheon at 11:20AM, Feb. 16, 2012
posts: 102
joined: 10-30-2011
Fascinating stuff coming from Lite Bites! I have to say, the comic is something I never expected- it feels almost like a television channel rather than a comic, which by no means is a bad thing- quite the opposite. I think that the placing together of several short stories is a brilliant idea and a great way to keep the material fresh.
Your last update definitely does a great job of bringing up the questions of who the people in it are, their histories, and heck, what they're planning on doing- (clearly going ‘out’, of course, but to what?). All in all, quite a nice introduction.

In Dueling Heroes ( ), we conclude the origins of Effex as he snaps back to the real world- the guy can't seem to catch a break for more than a few minutes, huh?
skekTek at 1:56PM, Feb. 16, 2012
posts: 15
joined: 1-5-2012
Escutcheon, Dueling Heroes is rather entertaining. The “heroes” fighting over creditcomplements current events very well (also it's pretty funny). I can see that your art is improving as you go. My suggestion would be to practice drawing from life more offten. You'll be amazed how well this improves your skills.

In my comic, we see a whole new world right under our noses and expandthe perceptions of our own lives! Aaaand we also seeone charactergetsmashed into the dirtso that's a plus.
WiffleBall at 5:00PM, Feb. 16, 2012
posts: 315
joined: 11-12-2008
Man, how are rockect-propelled bat wings anything but briliant? Yellow d12 needs a reality check.
Interesting work as always. I like it. :D
Ok so todays installment of PRB(Link in sig) is maybe kind of a old, dumb joke, but whatever. I like it. You might too.
Genejoke at 2:13AM, Feb. 17, 2012
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
Embrace the geek!
It's not easy coming out of the closet like that, he should be applauded.
The Hero Factor returns after a bit of a hiatus as Bubble-fro makes a cocktail.
TheStonertainment at 1:13PM, Feb. 20, 2012
posts: 10
joined: 1-23-2012
@The Hero Factor - i really like your art, reminds of the misadventures of flapjack. and your storytelling is excellent, hooked after reading one page, keep up the great work
Now on to us…
It has been a while since our last update (really two weeks, damn work)
we promise not to let that happen again. Now on to the update we are
going to learn something very surprising about that fiend cal-l
link to new page:
last edited on Feb. 20, 2012 1:14PM
TommyBrownell at 5:35PM, Feb. 21, 2012
posts: 20
joined: 9-20-2011
Stonertainment has some great character models and nice presentation, it is just hampered by some odd panel layout (I am reading right to left, but there are some places where your eyes can't help but be drawn to a lower panel when the upper panel is seemingly meant to come first) and a lack of proofreading/editing on the dialogue. With a little extra attention to detail, it could be a very slick comic.
Hellrazer: The Chronicles of Rachel Strand just hit five months of consecutive updates every Tuesday and Friday, culminating with the resolution of the showdown with our current story's big bad (and leaving two more pages of wrap-up to go).
The latest page is here:
Check out Hellrazer the Series, every Tuesday and Friday!
bravo1102 at 6:50AM, Feb. 22, 2012
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Hellrazor: That last page left me speechless. Some great action and art there.

In Battle of the Robofemoids, Sasha takes on a Jedi and shows himwhat a robofemoidcan do.
Escutcheon at 11:03AM, Feb. 22, 2012
posts: 102
joined: 10-30-2011
Bravo, I have to say- I've not seen that style before, but it definitely works really well. The action conveyed actually looks exciting, rather than simply posed- and in addition, everything seems to be so ‘alive’ rather than ‘flat’. It doesn't feel like Robot Chicken, either- it feels like in the universe the story occurs in, this would really work.
And of course, the humor is a riot. I think it's great so far and I have a feeling it'll only get better!
In Dueling Heroes, ( ) JG just can't quite seem to catch a break- even after putting out a raging fire and battling another ‘hero’, he finds that he doesn't even have time to rest and muse about the day- due to a ringing at his door. Who is it?
(Shortly doing a bit of maintenance, will be tweaked shortly. Will edit again.)
(edit- all clear! XD I had uploaded the wrong state of JPEG. Derp.)
last edited on Feb. 22, 2012 1:31PM
bravo1102 at 2:57AM, Feb. 23, 2012
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Dueling Heroes: Good dialogue and good transition from the flashback. The facial expressions were well realized, the expression in the last panel especially.

In Battle of the Robofemoids the resolution of Sasha's battle with the Jedi and we see one of the disadvantages of wearing low rise pants.
skekTek at 2:23PM, Feb. 23, 2012
posts: 15
joined: 1-5-2012
Ok, I have to admit funny! When I first saw it I was not expecting much, but I actually read it and enjoyed it. Thanks bravo1102!

In my strip, I introduce Crystal the D8!
swoobie at 4:22PM, Feb. 23, 2012
posts: 44
joined: 9-13-2011
The concept for “Roll for Damage” is GREAT! Love the originality! Artwork looks solid as well.
I believe we've posted 2 pages for “True Masters” since last being on these boards. Look forward to the feedback:
lenadventures at 1:01AM, Feb. 26, 2012
posts: 15
joined: 1-5-2012
Hey I just finished reading True Masters! Drawings are great and so is the story. Hope you post a new page soon! :D
Great job!
Lena is almost 50 pages long now and chapter 2 is almost finished! :)
last edited on Feb. 26, 2012 1:02AM
Tantz_Aerine at 5:17AM, Feb. 27, 2012
posts: 1,992
joined: 10-11-2006
For Lena: A pretty insane story with an intriguing character! Well done with nearly reaching 50 pages!

Without Moonlight updates today, with Basil being ordered to stop getting himself killed, and Father Yiannis looking sneaky.
TommyBrownell at 5:15AM, Feb. 28, 2012
posts: 20
joined: 9-20-2011
Without Moonlight looks gorgeous, due to the extra flourishes like the coloring *style*, which enhances the presentation a lot more than standard flashy, digital coloring would.
Very nice tone for a WWII comic, taking the subject matter seriously without being overbearing with it.
Hellrazer: The Chronicles of Rachel Strand just finished its second issue “Voodoo” with today's page. Cover of issue 1 of the ongoing goes up Thursday and page 1 on Friday. Link:
Check out Hellrazer the Series, every Tuesday and Friday!

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