Lonnehart wrote:
Been watching elementary schools for a couple of weeks now. Very stressful. I mean… during the daytime they are wonderful places where children play and learn. But at night…
They are freakin' creepy. If you wanted a perfect zombie apocalypse setting, they're one place you should have.
Empty apartment buildings, especially lower levels that have the walls and electrical wiring pulled out because of flood damage. Wandering with a flashlight throughhallways full of wires and cables and great big holes in the walls is super creepy. Then checking the hallways of the empty rooms with the huge “X” on each from the mandatory evacuation and everything looks like the people vanished right in the midst of things. Somebody leaves stuff out as if they'll be right back and there are always unexplained wrappers.
And here I am the security guard armed only with flashlight and the zombies are around there awaiting the usual first victim; the security guard armed with only a flashlight. Yeah, let's hook the laptop up to the emergency power and watch horror movies.