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tower of zot (NSFW)
shadowbladeXIII at 3:51PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: well we did…
Mia: but it took forever to find Zeta.
Jasmine: not to mention hooking it up to her.
Mia: but we got it done. so how about you? anything happen on your end?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 3:57PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*sweatdrops*oh you know…the usual
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:03PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: alright. So-*hears several stomaches rumble. one being her own*heh I guess we akk skipped lunch.
Nene: what are the odds?
Jasmine: Master may I suggest we go out for dinner?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 4:09PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:sure just let me get dressed i need to wear clothes that dont have blood stains
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:12PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:blood stains?*looks at his attire*(he was training again. but for what?) Jasmine, when you get a chance-
Jasmine:I'll clean them as soon as I can.
Mia: thanks.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 4:22PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
*5 minutes later* Pico:ok lets do this*Pico was wearing a green jacket a black shirt a pair of jeans he even wore a little tie for laughs the tie in question wasnt put on properly* *grins* lets go!
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 27, 2014 4:33PM
shadowbladeXIII at 4:33PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: *smiles and giggles at his attire and takes his hand*
*the 4 then head down to The Forest Maze for their usual eatings*
Jasmine: what an odd layout…
Mia: you'll get used to it.
Nene: oh look there's a spot right there.
*the 4 then sit as the waiter hops the hedges*
Chet: hello folks welcome to “The Forest Maze” how are we all doing today?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 4:37PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:fine my friend just fine*looks at the menu* i feel like somthing diffrent i usually order chicken could you recommend somthing diffrent?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:43PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Chet: well we do have a steak salad, a varity of steaks, Footlongs with asorted meats, hoaiges, and as you have mentioned before chicken.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 4:48PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles* steak it is. how about you girls?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:59PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: I'll have a ribeye . medium.
Nene: steak salad if you could. steak pieces medium.
Jasmine: Serloin. meduim please.*smiles*
Chet:*grabbing the menus* all right all around cow coming up.*hops the hedges*
Mia: man it feels good to be back here. It felt like it was years ago since I've been here.
Nene: oh come on, it couldn't have been that long.
Mia: nope, Pico took me here when it first opened.
Nene:well I can honestly say it is a wonderful choice. Thanks again for bringing us here Pico.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 5:04PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*blushes while scratching the back of his head* its nothing really
Nene:no really i er that is we really apreciate it*smiles*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 27, 2014 5:48PM
shadowbladeXIII at 8:13PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
*minutes later*
Chet: I'm back*comes out with everyone's order* enjoy everyone!
Mia:*takesin the smell of the meat* smells great.
Nene: looks great too.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 8:47PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*a little later* i cant eat another bite
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 8:54PM, Jan. 27, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Chet: then I take it you won't want any dessert?
Nene: I'll pass
Mia: ditto.
Jasmine: same.
Chet: ok then. be right back*leaves and comes back a few minutes later* here's your bill. thanks again for coming on by.
*later that night, after paying the bill, the 4 headed back to Pico's for some R&R*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 27, 2014 10:46PM
picosux224 at 1:23AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*but sadly the poor fox starts to have nightmares about Hades again*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 4:59AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
*the following morning*
Mia:*waks and sees Pico toossing and turning*(this isn't good he's starting to have bad dreams again…I think I may know how to fix that)*embraces him close and kisses him then proceeds to cuddle him*
Jasmine: *already up and making breakfast.*
SB:well let's go over the check list one more time…after that I'm out of here for a needed vaction.*pulls out the keys* then I hand these over to Pico.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 10:24AM
picosux224 at 10:27AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*sweats in his sleep but then wakes up*AH! leave me alone!*breathes*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 10:29AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:…Pico?*yawns and looks at him* you have another bad dream sweetie?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 10:35AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*just looks at Mia breathing*…y-yes
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 10:42AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:*she looks at him not saying a word and hugs him easing his doubts for the moment* come on, let's go get something to eat alright?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 10:52AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:yeah..lets*walks to the kitchen until his ear twitch*(what is Nene doing sleeping on the couch again? thats bad for your back…sigh)*makes a coffee and quietly places it on the coffee table that was in front of the couch* *pecks her cheek before returning to his own coffee*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 10:59AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:*smiles* thank you.
Nene: *gets up and streches*mm… Pico you need to get a new couch.*sits down with coffee in hand*
Jasmine: breakfast is done.*places 3 plates in front of each of them*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 11:05AM
picosux224 at 11:06AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*Pico smiled at Jasmine but he had so many things to worry about*(the last time Shadowblade went on vacationwe were attacked by the elementals what if somthing like that happened again?…and that nightmare)
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 11:12AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
SB:*at the door* knock knock anyone home?
Mia:come in.
SB:*enters via portal*morning folks.*looks over* and good morning Mr. care taker.*looks at Pico's concerned expression* … I sense something troubling you Pico, tell me what's the matter?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 11:19AM
picosux224 at 11:25AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:i…no nothings wrong..so how is this gonna work your gonna give me the key to your office or somthing?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 11:34AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
SB: well I'm glad you asked Pico. See, while I am giving you the key, I'm also giving you a list to routine list complete everyday.*hands him the list showing everything on the morning routtine is already completed.* Now I already paid bail for Zack so your good there. All my meetings have been postponed till I get back, I've doubled security so no one would get any ideas, and you have my full permission to have anyone help you in these tasks, and help yourself to my liquor cabinet…
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 11:43AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:just one…do you know any tricks on how to control nightmares?…heh
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 11:53AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
SB:nightmares? (so that's what's wrong…) come with me.*places the list on his kitchen table and heads to his living area*
Pico:*shrugs and follows him* ok.
SB:now what kind of nightmares are you having?
Pico: oh you know,…the usual.
SB: I see…(likely some future event that may or amy not happen.)and you want them to stop?
SB:*opens a portal and after a few minutes* here*gives him a basket of fruit* These fruit are from Dimension S, they'll ease your dreams allowing you to rest soundly without worry. Have at least one every day and you should be fine. Anything else?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 11:59AM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*takes a bite of said fruit* nah im good thanks.*returns to his apartment*(ah what a relief)
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019

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