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tower of zot (NSFW)
shadowbladeXIII at 12:05PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
SB:*grabs his suitcases and heads through a portal*
Nene:*dressed now in her secretary outfit* welcome sir.*hands him the key to shadowblade's office* how are you feeling?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 12:12PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*looks confusedbut grabs key*(oh right i forgot…where did she get that outfit anyway?)*hugs Nene* im fine thanks for asking. did you get Shadowblades list? whats my first job?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 12:14PM
shadowbladeXIII at 12:16PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: well according to this, first we need to check in the basement and see if the springs are running properly, then we head to the 3rd floor to check up on the progress on the bionic limbs.
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picosux224 at 12:21PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
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Pico:*later at the basement* hmm it looks about right*hits pipes*not rusty..yep its ok..check it off the list
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 12:23PM
shadowbladeXIII at 12:29PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: will do.
*later up on the 3rd floor*
Pico: so what have we here?*looks on the leg*
Leon: it's a bionic leg. Its going to go to the disabled once we fully sync up everything. Mia is doing her hardest to get the wiring right and it should be ready for testing sometime soon.
Pico: anything else?
Julie: well we do have a new miniture cleaning bot, if you want to take a look.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 12:41PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:very well *Julie takes them to a testing area*
Julie:as you can see it has a infared eye that detects any rubbish or dirt and cleans it up.
Pico:(it would be nice to use that thing that way Jasmine wouldnt have to worry about cleaning all the time)*smilies*thats very impressive plus its cutting edge to i like that.
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 12:47PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Julie: thank you sir. if your impressed by that then wait till we get it to the point where it cleans clothing. It'll clean anything from bacon stained shirts to blood soaked ones.
Pico:(that would realy me help out dearly.) Alright guys keep up the good work.*heads out*what's next?
Nene: well, it says you have to check on doc and make sure everything is ok. Afterwords, a tea party with Anita.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 12:58PM
picosux224 at 1:00PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:(the last 1 sounds like somthing Doc would sugest but id do it anyway)ok lets go.*later* *knock knock* hello? Doc? Miss Rose?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 1:07PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Doc: *opens the door*hey there bud what's going on?
Pico: um not much…
Doc: ok…
Rose: doc who is it?
Doc: its just Pico.
Rose:*wheels herself over to the door her appearance seems much better than the last time the 2 saw each other* and how are we today?*looks over his shoulder* and who might your friend be?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 1:12PM
picosux224 at 1:15PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:shes a old friend infact shes my bestfriend Rose this is Nene*smiles showing pride just by knowing her*
Nene:*blushes and smiles at Pico*
Rose:hello*smiles as she shook her hand* now please come in
Pico:*walks in*where did squirt run off to?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 1:27PM
shadowbladeXIII at 1:26PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Doc: Anita's is over in the next room. So, what brings you here?
Pico: oh, I'm watching the tower for shadowblade.
Doc: I see then you should know now that you aren't the only one invited.
Pico: oh?
Doc: yeha, try not to laugh too hard at the bonnet.
Pico:*raises an eye brow*…ok.*heads into the other room and sees several stuffed animals, Zack hung over wearing a bonnet and Anita serving him tea*
Zack:*looks over at Pico* Not. One. Word.
Anita: Pico!*runs over and hugs him* you here for the Tea party?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 1:31PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles*of course after all i would never miss the chance to spend time with you*sits next to zack and smiles in a cheeky manner*..nice headgear
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 1:33PM
shadowbladeXIII at 1:50PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Zack:*smiles weakly*thank you…
Anita: great. I'll go and get mom's cookies and another pitcher of tea.*heads off leaving her guests alone*
Zack:so…I hear your tower sitting.
Pico: yep. *looks acroos teh romo at the bear her got Anita for Christmas, then Zack*…sooo
Zack: long story short I became a producer, and partied too hard in hollywood. this is kind of my punishment. On the plus side though my movie is going to be big.*adjusts his bonnet*
Anita: I'm back. who wants cookies?*brings out a tray filled with a huge ammount of cookies*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 1:59PM
picosux224 at 1:58PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:id love some!*grabs 2 cookies and throws 1 at Nene*
Pico:oh lighten up and have a snack!
Nene:*takes a bite and instantly loves it*this is good i must get the recipe.
Pico:*smirks*(i knew doing this was a great idea.*looks at Zack*if only i had a camera…)
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:08PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Anita: I'm so glad you can all be here. Pico, Mr. cuddles*looks at the bear*, Pico's friend…
Nene: …Nene.*shakes Anita's hand*
Anita:Right, Nene. and my favorite regular Mr.Snuggles*hugs Zack*
Zack:…*hugs Anita back*(Frank if your out there…HELP ME!)
Pico:*starting to cry due to holding back his laughter*
Anita: you ok Pico?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:18PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:pfft! Mr.Snuggles?!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
*in another room*
Rose:*calmly drinks tea while Doc jumps she then smiles*that boy sure knows how to excite things around here wouldnt youagree Doc?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:28PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Doc: oh yes, quite so.(poor poor Zack. no doubt I'm going to catch some footage though.)
*back in the main room*
Zack:(urge to maul…rising)yes she picked it out for me durring one of our parties. Shadowblade said it was a good idea so, how can I say no?
Anita: I think its a wonderful name.
Nene:*smiles while holding back her laughter a bit better than Pico* I, heh, agree.
Anita: by the way would you like some tea to go with your cookies Pico?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 2:29PM
picosux224 at 2:34PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:i would love some thank you.*Anita ran into the kitchen to get the tea* heh
Zack:..whats so funny?
Pico:oh nothings funny at all..Mr.Snuggles
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 2:43PM
shadowbladeXIII at 2:47PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Zack:*low growl* you tell anyone about this and I swear…*stops and plays innocent*
Anita:oh, I almost forgot*puts tray of Ice out and heads back in the kitchen*
Zack:just…keep your mouth shut alright? I have a rep to uphold.
Pico:(which went flying out the window after I saw this.)*drinking tea*
Nene:Worry not wolf man. We'll keep it on the down low. Right, Pico?
Pico:*smiles*right.(DP:oh that's a laugh. Bio Pico: hush you.)
*the tea party progreesed for a few hours and then ended*
Anita:*waves to her guest as they go their seperate ways*thanks for coming see you tomorrow.
Pico:(I get to see “that” again? note to self: bring camera and ask Ann to take a photo of “Mr. Snuggles”) alright Nene, what's next?
Nene: well according to this…Dinner.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:52PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:ok then lets go*grabs Nene by thehand and teleports*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:59PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*blushes* Pico I-I-
Pico: relax will you? we do this all the time.
Nene:*nods* right. so where to?
Pico: why not make it casual today?
Nene: ok, let'shead to thePizza joint.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 3:05PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*at the Pizza place* ah nothing like the smell of quality melted cheese.(i wonder why Nene blushed earlier i thought i was the one that blushes alot) so what are you gonna order? im thinking cheese supreme.
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 3:07PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: I'm thinking…*cell buzzes as she recived a text* whoop hold on.*texts Mia back* I'm thinking mushroom and Peppers with extra cheese.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 3:15PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:sounds great*after ordering the 2 said pizzas* lets eat!*eats a few slices his mouth is now covered in cheese Nene looked at the messy eater and when he gave her a "cheesy* smile she giggled*…what? somthing on my face?
Nene:*smiles*there is always somthing on your face…
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 6:45PM
shadowbladeXIII at 7:19PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*kisses it getting some of the cheese off and smiles* So, how do you like being in charge so far?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:08PM
picosux224 at 8:08PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:its been alright i guess
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 8:13PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: just alright?*whispers* we saw a were-wolf in a bonnet and he can't do anything to us cause we're the boss.
Pico:*shrugs and continues to munch on the Pizza* true, though I'm not planing on going crazy with power anytime soon and expose him.
Nene: understandable. anyway why don't we head back? the list has been completed, and I think we should see how Mia and Jazz's day is going.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:17PM
picosux224 at 8:17PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*teleports them home* there much better*smiles*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 8:20PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: welcome home master.*kisses him putting her arms around his neck* how was your day?
Pico:oh, you know just completing a list for the boss. Where's Mia?
Jasmine: waiting for you in your room.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:22PM
picosux224 at 8:25PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:then i shouldnt keep her waiting*kisses Jasmine quickly on the lips she then letted go of him* *walks to his room*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019

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