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tower of zot (NSFW)
shadowbladeXIII at 8:30PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: has she taken the stuff?
Jasmine: yep*hands Nene a drink* the stuff I gave you the first time should still last until the end of the month. still best be safe than sorry.
Nene:*drinks up* remind me how you got this again?
Jasmine: I gave doc some money and bought them. Now, come on we still have one more thing on the list to do…
*in the bed room*
Mia:*lying on the bed in her night wear* hey hon*gets up* how did it go?*kisses Pico with Passion*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:32PM
picosux224 at 8:37PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*as they finally stop kissing Pico was in a hazey state* how did what go?
Mia:*flicks his nose* your day silly
Pico:it was…normal i guess
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 8:51PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: I wouldn't say that.*hugs him and nuzzels him* your in charge of Zot, and got to do things no one else would get to.
Nene:*enters alongside Jasmine* so, Pico would you say you had a good over all day?
Jasmine:*snaps her fingers and locks the door to the room*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:57PM
picosux224 at 8:56PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles* call me corny but my day isnt good till i come home to you guys.i can always count on you 2*looks at Nene*er i mean 3 to make me happy. and thats good enough for me
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 8:57PM
shadowbladeXIII at 9:00PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: well Pico, we can think of ways to make you happy.*sits on the other side of him holding onto his arm*
Jasmine: indeed master*gets behind him massaging his shoulders* after all you've earned it.
Mia:*kisses him again* so tell me, what do you feel like doing?*smiles*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 9:04PM
picosux224 at 9:13PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles* well im not sure whatever you guys like is fine with me.*grins widely but then relaxes as he takes in the message*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 9:16PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
note: might get freaky. may want to skip,
Mia:well then, just relax and…
Nene: let us do the rest.*takes off his footwear and massages his feet*
Jasmine:*continues working his back muscles*
Mia:*holds hom close kissing him passionatley*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 9:52PM
picosux224 at 9:20PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*kisses Mia back with passion*(ah..this feels good)
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 9:34PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*finishes up the foot massage and crawls up towards Pico*
Mia:*breaks for air and smiles* ready?
Jasmine: *smiles* yep.**
*each one then surround Pico taking their time kising him tendly and holding on each one warming up, smiling at Pico*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 9:39PM
picosux224 at 9:39PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:(well i may as well return the favour)*cups Jasmine and moves his hand in a circular motion messaging her breast*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Jan. 28, 2014 9:40PM
shadowbladeXIII at 9:44PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine:*starts to smile*mmmmaster…*snaps her fingers letting some of her attire vanish along with the top half of Pico's get up*
Nene:*Sits ontop of Pico's lap and kisses him*
Mia: *heads to the back* and massages his lower back*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 9:53PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*returns the kiss while removeing Nene,s top and then tenderly bites her neck after hearing her moan he already removed her pants*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 9:57PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*falls on top of him and smiles getting off rotating it off to Mia and has some fun with Jasmine*
Mia:*plays with him for a good whilekissing and feeling him undo her attier leaving her with almost nothing. eventually she undoes his jeans and tossing them to the side*(you feel relaxed yet?)
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 10:04PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*kisses her even more passion while messageing her breast with his left hand he then put his mouth to her ear and whispers“does that answer your question?” in a very sexy voice*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 10:41PM, Jan. 28, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:*nibbles on his neck and answers him in a seductive manner* very.*rolls with him on the bed nudging Jasmine and Nene who turn their attention to Mia and pounce on her removingthe last of her wears leaving her exposed smiling at her husband*
Jasmine:*plays with him a bit and snaps her fingers removing the last article on Pico. She then heads to Mia and fools with her*
Nene:*starts to rub up aginst him kissing him tenderly* you know we should do this more often perhaps some one on one time to boot?
Pico:*looks at Mia who finishes with Jasmine*
Mia:I think that's manageable.*kisses Pico and fondles Nene causing her to Moan in delight* now come on Pico…get over here.
*The 4 then got their “Freak on” in Pico's room taking time to pleasure each other eventually giving out at the crack of dawn. On one side was Nene at the bottom Jasmine and fineily his wife who cuddled him an his other side. The 4 slept peacefully knowing what to expect and wild things await when they wake*
ok so, as of right now…I'd like to take some time to say thank you to all our fellow players/actors for being with Zot and standing by it. to think that we've been doing this for a little over 7 months and kept it going strong. however I feel now would be a good time for all our writers to take a break and recharge. So the question remains, what will happen to zot? well for one We're not going anywhere. We're just going on a break for now till we're all ready again.

Right now, I'm going to be setting up a Qand remember,
We are Zot!
UPDATE: ok so for thise wondering we are Back in the saddle of things. ready go!
Zot…a tower like no other. it is said that those that live in this place are given a second chance and a whole new look on things. these are the stories of several individuals who fight for ot hoping to improve the world…many months have passed since we last saw those who the story revolves around Let's see how they're doing shall we?
SB:*walking down the halls* ah its a glorious day here at the tower sun shines metal concerts in the basement, my staff is at their best, and best of all no-
???:dang it Doc give back my pants!
Doc: never!
SB:…*watches the 2 blurs go by into the lab*(why me?)*heads on over*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 4:37PM
picosux224 at 4:35PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*on his lap top*entry:001(its been months maybe even a year since the last time i had to fight anyone since then its been great nice and peaceful.within these months Nene has been sleeping over here…i dont mind but remembering back what Claire called me im starting to think shes not far off…)
*Nene walks up to Pico and gives him a cup of coffee then pecks his cheek*
Nene:dont be on their for to long ok?
*types*…(not that im complaining or anything i just wish everyone will stop calling me a playboy or as DN prefers…Harem king*shows a bit of anger but then calms down*)*turns off laptop*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 4:43PM
shadowbladeXIII at 5:04PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
SB:ok what's going on?
Zack:*talking with doc in his mouth*the usual.
Doc:*hands him back his pants* he's gotten batter. 45 minutes to try and get me. used to take him a full hour. now then how have things been with you?
SB: ok I guess, business has been up, space program is going smoothly, not to mention the world seems to be relying less on us and making advances for the better. I think we've really done a good job.
Doc:…you still miss those days don't you?
SB:couse I do back then I didn't have to do anything. Now, I do as I please by the way how goes your latest creation?
Doc:*runs over to a tank* great.*looks at what appears to be a fish of sort with bird wings* I just need to think of what to feed it. Can't have the thing live off me forever you know.
SB: *nods in agreement* right anything else going on?
Mia:*puts a plate infront of Pico* hey. *kisses him on the cheek* how are you feeling?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 5:12PM
picosux224 at 5:13PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*stares at his food*good…
Pico:*sips his coffee* fine fine…their have been rumours going around the tower about us and because of that people have been makeing jokes..its a pain in the butt how true it is though*sigh*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 5:17PM
shadowbladeXIII at 5:45PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: So? let them.*cutting into her toast and basting it with butter* everyone has skeletons in their closet Pico. and ever since the party for the new members ,Doc has been busy making “black boxes” for our older staff. From what I hear*takes a sip *40% of those in a relationship have used it once, 20% of those, more than once and at least 10% are doing what we're doing, and are embarassed.*bites into the toast* trust me dear, in time the rumors will fade and people will just let things be.
Jasmine:*comes back from a walk with Max* hello everyone.
Max: woof!
SB: so how are the things with Rose coming?
Doc: very good. I think we can say that within a few weeks we can begin treatment on rebuilding her leg strength.
SB: you mean retraining them?
Doc: of course. it will be interesting on how she does. I'll let you know when we proceed.
SB: very good. take care Doc.
Doc: you too.*looks at Zack* now where were we Mr. Snuggles?
Zack:…*charges at him*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 5:56PM
picosux224 at 5:54PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*shrugs shoulders*when you're you're right*stands up and hugs Jasmine andsmiles* hey..*then he starts to play with Max*
Mia:*smiles*(he seems more laid back now)
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 6:05PM
shadowbladeXIII at 6:09PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine:*hugs him back* hello to you too.
Max:woof*starts licking Pico's face.*
Nene:*finishes her coffee*hey Pico, you up for a bit of practice later?
SB: ok now where was I…oh yes its a wonderful day and there is no-*bumps into Anita* oh hello there.
Anita:*seems sad* hey boss…
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 6:16PM
picosux224 at 6:16PM, Feb. 9, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:heh heh! ok boy! thats enough!*dries face with sleave* sure why not?*a couple hours of training later*
*Pico gives Nene a towel* that was a great workout.
Nene:you are telling me*grabs Picos right arm and puts her head on his shoulder as they walkcauseing him to smile*
*opens door which Pico then ran to his room and laid on his bed*
Pico:ahh home sweet home*eyes shift from open to close*
Nene:*Nene sees this and just shakes her head*you promised me you wouldnt over do it on our training sessions….
Pico:huh?*eyes almost closed*
Nene:*shakes her head but with a smile*nevermind just rest*kissesPicos cheek before he fell asleep smileing Nene then crawled in under the bed went on top of him and wrapped her arms around his body resting her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat which eventually put her to sleep as well*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 9, 2014 11:01PM
shadowbladeXIII at 6:18AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia: *Looks in on the 2 smiles and shakes her head and gets back to work*
Jasmine: Mia, what areyou working on?
Mia: well if you must know I;m working on a better security system for tempest to prevent any attempts on hacking him.
Jasmine: mind if I help out?
Mia: of course.
SB: what's wrong Anita?
Anita: I'm tired…
SB: well you do need your rest
Anita: Well here is that but…
SB: you wish there were more kids around?
Anita: *yawns*mmm hmm…
SB: I see…Anita would you like another break?
Anita: can't. so long as my mom isn't healthy I can't take one.
SB:*walks her to Doc's room* I understand. you just rest for me alright?
Anita: kay*heads into the room*
SB:*sigh*(now that's another thing I'm going to have to work on…)oh well. Now to go back to looking around my place
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 8:09AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*wakes up*(ok i cant move…)*looks at sleeping Nene*(goddangit..)*wraps his arms in a soft hug as he kisses her*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 10, 2014 8:27AM
shadowbladeXIII at 8:24AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*stirs and smiles at Pico rolling to the side* hey there…*kisses him on the nose* how are you?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 8:31AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles* im fine i evenslept greatly because of you*cupsNene,s cheek and kisses her lips*…thank you
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 10, 2014 8:32AM
shadowbladeXIII at 8:41AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: glad to hear…come on, how about we get some breakfast?
Mia:*asleep at the table from working all night*
Jasmine: oh dear…I guess she forgot about her own limits…*picks her up and places her on the couch*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 9:17AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*walks to the kitchen with Nene holding his hand*(i wonder why Mia is so tired…poor thing)*sits down*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 9:42AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: Morning Master and Nene*alredy starts cooking them brunch*
Nene: hey jasmine, why is mia passed out over there?
Jasmine: oh that's due to her pulling an all nighter for a security system for tempest.
Mia:*rolls around on the couch*
SB: hmm I wonder what I'll do today…
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 10:02AM, Feb. 10, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*frowns then sighs* poor thing that just makes me want to hug her to help her sleep better but oh well i just hope she,ll be alright
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019

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