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tower of zot (NSFW)
shadowbladeXIII at 12:08PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Trigger: Pico, I'm ages old and a machine that simulates and learns emotion through the host. I mearly wish to know more about this new machine which you call daughter and nothing more.besides, look at us; She's made to look organic, and when I don't look like a backpack I look like battle armor or a T-800 exoskeleton. Also do you really want me, your closest friend, dating your “daughter”?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 12:18PM
picosux224 at 12:41PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
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Pico:*shrugs his shoulders* as long as you two would be happy who cares what i think?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 12:55PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Trigger:(so your one of those kinds of fellows…I see your game) Well then, I suppose I should go and observe her more closely before final judgement of what I think of her.
Jasmine:oh trigger lighten up will you? just go and say your going to hang with her.
Trigger: I shall say no such thing. until then, Pico, Mia, Jasmine*nods to each and heads out*
Mia: Trigger really is an odd one… wouldn't you agree dear?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 1:04PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*waves the thought off* he just needs to get used to Zetas little…affection who knows he might even start to like her*smiles* besides his a stubbern old washing machine
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 1:08PM
shadowbladeXIII at 1:27PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: ever so true, never could accept change.
Mia: so, what are we going to do today?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 1:36PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:im not to sure i decided not to train today so i can do whatever you 2 want
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 1:56PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: lright then, I'm going to be with Mia.
Mia: and I'm headed down to work. *kisses him* have fun training*heads out with Jasmine behind in close persuit*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:02PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:…*blinks a few times* I SAID I “WASNT” GONNA TRAIN TODAY!!!….(goddamnit *sigh i guess i,ll hang out with Nene maybe we can have fun.*walks out the door*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:08PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:*walks down the hall and bumps into Pico* hmm? oh, hey Pico.*hugs him* whatcha up to? Everything better with Mia?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:16PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles softly*yeah…*sighs*
Nene:*looks concearned* are you ok? i figured you would jump for joy just thinking about her
Pico:i was hopeing to spend a little time with Mia but i forgot that she has to do important crap at her lab…*smiles*but that just means you got me all to yourself
Nene:*smiles* really now?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 2:26PM
shadowbladeXIII at 2:25PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: great. So, what do you want to do? go for a swim? maybe a take a stroll through the gardens? ooh, we could always harvest the Moon melons.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:32PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*frowns* i could always do that on my own later besides i donated quite alot of melons already how about we head to the garden instead?
Nene:sounds great.*a little walk later* this place is still so beautiful.
Pico:…yeah like you*quickly cover his mouth hopeing she didnt hear that*
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:42PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:well, your quite handsome yourself.*kisses him on the cheek* you know, I have to say over the past couple months of being here, I've grown to enjoy it. and I'm really glad I has someone to help me along the way.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 2:46PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*scratches the back of his neck while grining*glad i could help
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 2:54PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: So, what's this I hear that the boss invited you to dinner yesterday?
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 3:05PM
picosux224 at 3:09PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*raises a eyebrow* how did you?…you know what nevermind…ive been haveing trouble with keeping my anger and mypersonal deamons in check.i guess SB thought if he and i fought each other id calm down so far it worked but when the first time i lost control i attacked him the other times i lost control ofmy anger*looks at hands that started to glow* how am i gonna save anyone if i cant control this thing?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 3:11PM
shadowbladeXIII at 3:20PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: Pico,*looks into his eyes* listen to me I know it may seem like your having trouble with your inner demons, but they still care about what you care about. I may not be spiritualy intertwined, but I know that they will do what you ask if our lives our on the line. perhaps you should try letting them be more social with others. *ponders for a moment* you know I don't even think I got to meet them.
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 3:33PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:and i plan to keep it that way 1 little slip you could get hurt and i cant have that on my concience
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 3:38PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene:…aww… well that's alright. besides I'm sure I'll get to meet them someday. *picks up a few flowers and hands them to Pico* for you.*smiles*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 3:43PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles and smells flowers*sorry about that…i tell you what the next time i sound depressed do whatever you think would shut me up*gives her a wider smile*
Nene:*starts to kiss him which lasted for awhile then she grabbed his hand*like that?*Pico dazed while smileing just nods* come on lets head back
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 5:12PM
shadowbladeXIII at 5:24PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
*Moments later as the 2 were talking in Pico's place*
Mia: we're back!
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 5:40PM
picosux224 at 5:44PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*smiles* hey how did it go?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 5:50PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Jasmine: very sucessful.
Mia: and tiring. So how was training?
Pico: I said I wasn't going training.
Mia: you wern't?*walks up and hugs him* I'm sorry honey, I mut have mishead you going out the door. I mean I did sleep for a full day so not everything was 100%*kisses Pico*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 5:56PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*wraps a arm around her waist* its alright it wasnt like i was alone*puts his other arm around Nenes shoulder then grins in that famous goofy manner his known for* i love you guys
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 6:12PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Nene: and we love you too*hugs him*
Jasmine: your the best there is master.*wraps her arms around his shoulders*
Mia: best of all your my foxy husband*pecks him on the cheek* and nothing will ever change that.
SB: *fileing up paperwork*…and done. now that that's all said and done I best figure out something for Anita's problem.*start to ponder*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 6:17PM
picosux224 at 6:32PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*grins widely as he lays on his bed* maybe so but you 3 are way better. now do you wanna do anything?
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
shadowbladeXIII at 7:00PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
*the 3 look at each other and exchange smiles getting up*
Jasmine:well master, there are several things we have in mind…*hands Nene and Mia 2 mixed drinks*
Mia:*drinks up* and besides we haven't all been together with you in awhile*smiles*
Nene: hope you don't mind if we jump you all the sudden*drinks up and hops to one of Pico's sides*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
picosux224 at 7:05PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*blushes*n-no i dont mind
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 7:16PM
shadowbladeXIII at 7:26PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 11,096
joined: 12-1-2010
Mia:great!*hops on top of him* cause we aren't going to stop…
Jasmine:…till the break of dawn.*gets on his other side and starts stroking him*
Nene: *already starts kissing breaks off and removing her attire then stops*hold on…time out
Mia:*moves in for a kiss but stops* what?
Jasmine: is everything ok?
Nene: it is…but I'm curious now.
Mia: about what?
Nene: well you know how Pico has those personalities in his head?
Mia: I know of them…wait, …ooh that is a good question.
Jasmine: what is?*about to snap her fingers then stops*
Nene:*whispers in Jasmine's ear the whole thing*
Jasmine:…oh! I didn't think of it that way before.
Mia:well, we could mmph-*gets cut off by Pico and feels his hands move up her sides and breaks the kiss for air looking at his smile* …we'll ask later. let's get back to him for now.*goes back in for the kiss*
Jasmine and Nene: agreed.*they get on each side and start nuzzling him*
Never try to be the guy,otherwise everything will kill you!!!!
last edited on Feb. 11, 2014 7:32PM
picosux224 at 7:37PM, Feb. 11, 2014
posts: 8,081
joined: 12-26-2010
Pico:*kisses Mia for a bit longer till he ran out of breath and starts breatheing again*
biopico:(i may not be the smartest but did they want to do what i think?)
demonicpico:*grins evily*yep
with great power comes great ass kicking!-Picosux224 2019

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