Super gigantic newspost coming to destroy your city, news at 11

skoolmunkee at 5:15AM, Feb. 7, 2010

Hellooooooooooo! It's a long one this time around, because I didn't manage to get an earlier newspost done this week. It's been pretty busy for me but things are a little slower now. Much thanks to Oz who picked up my slack (especially during the stuff after ...

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Server move was successful! MAFIA XXII signups! Milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:29AM, Jan. 27, 2010

Sorry this newspost is a little late- I couldn't do it Sunday because of the site freeze, and I've been too busy until today…

Speaking of the site freeze, I am told that everything copied over without a hitch! Of course, there have been a few things here ...

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The last newspost of 2009!

skoolmunkee at 3:08AM, Dec. 31, 2009

Okay guys, this is it! The last day of 2009! Time to get comfortable saying things like “ten” as the date! (I remember wondering what we would call the 0-years). AMAZING TIMES, like living in the futuuuuuure. I have given up on making resolutions, but if you are that kind ...

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We Wish You A Very Large Newspost

skoolmunkee at 7:56AM, Dec. 11, 2009

I think I'm going to have to start doing these on Wednesday afternoon, because by Thursday there are just too many! Sorry today's is late, I just didn't have the time to tackle it. We're still friends, right?

Gillespie's Bacon Strips hit 275 on Tuesday ...

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Lots of DD member interviews, Mafia XX, and lots of milestones!

skoolmunkee at 12:17PM, Dec. 6, 2009

Two more Drunk Duck member interviews this week! First up, we've got nako interviewing ERasER, of Mystery of the Golden Edge!

2. You said in your profile that you're a writer and you write books for a living. So, what kind of books? =?_?=

2A. Well I write ...

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A spot of Saturday news to fill that weekend shaped void in your life!

skoolmunkee at 2:55AM, July 25, 2009

On Thursday, Aleks55's comic Important Business hit 150 pages!

Janen's back from a long hiatus, and has started publishing again! Per Ardua reached 100 pages on Friday, welcome back and congrats!

Also on Friday, Thirteen Under Seven the Manga by HiNaTa_fan_13 turned 50!

Today, GracehFaceh's comic New ...

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How can you have any news if you don't eat your meat?

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, July 6, 2009

Elanor Pam's Sinful (you know, the one we featured!) turned 100 pages old on Sunday!

theRedDeath's Bad Guy High has reached 400 “official” pages! The comic is about a high school where kids learn to be supervillains…. honestly though I think regular high school is pretty good at ...

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Monday news! I'm not slacking!

skoolmunkee at 1:21AM, June 1, 2009

The Life and (Maybe) Death of Ed by Eduds is now 300! Eduds adds this: “(No sparta jokes!) To celebrate there is a new layout and it's the official time to send fan questions/fan art/fan stuff/fan etc via PQ.”

Aghammer's Ag Junk has reached 25 ...

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My weariness is matched only by my dreariness

skoolmunkee at 11:14AM, May 23, 2009

“Smelly” and “belly” also rhyme, but I'd rather be a weary dreary than a smelly belly.

For those of you who haven't been paying attention to Mafia, it's not going away! This is a good thing- and did you know that the sign-ups for Mafia round 8 ...

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