Your regular Saturday milestone roundup!

skoolmunkee at 3:34AM, Feb. 21, 2009

I guess it's just a milestone time of year, eh? Because once again, there's quite a few of them!

Slimies by Gohlico has reached 25 pages!

also reaching 25 pages is Hakoshen's Two Weeks Notice! (P.S. Hakoshen was the assassin!)

Vivid Imagery by makosuite has reached ...

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So I have like eight DD Anthology volume 3 books

skoolmunkee at 2:54PM, Feb. 18, 2009

For some reason they sent me a bunch of these even though I told them not to. They've been sitting on my shelf for almost 2 years now.

What should I do with them? Should there be some kind of contest or something?

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Interview and milestones! Then, nap-time!

skoolmunkee at 8:12AM, Feb. 18, 2009

I submit for your enjoyment, DarkChibiShadow interviews kali and confusedsoul (of Angels of Shadows, Book of Desolation, and others)! Huge thanks to those who have been reading and commenting on these, I am sure the people who have done these are glad to know they're enjoyable!

Lots of milestones ...

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Lots of news today! Interviews, Mafia, publicity, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:08AM, Feb. 12, 2009

Today's QWtD interview: Mutation interviews kaleygeminni, of Geminni! Get reading!

And in a complete coincidence, kaleygeminni's Geminni reached 100 pages yesterday!

The most recent few interviews have not gotten any replies yet which makes me very sad- if you are reading them, I'm sure that a simple ...

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Saturday's a good day for an interview and milestones

skoolmunkee at 8:39AM, Feb. 7, 2009

More community interviews are up! Better get used to it folks! (Personally I think this is great- these are so interesting to read!) The newest one is Rori interviewing Sketch Sanchez

json was very sad his comic PowerJeff didn't get a news mention when it reached 75 pages… then ...

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New community interview, lots of milestones, and the end of a comic!

skoolmunkee at 2:18AM, Feb. 5, 2009

Hi guys! Sorry, I think the news is a day late or something. My inbox was getting a bit crazy with the Quack with the Ducks project and I didn't have time to sort everything out properly until this morning!

Speaking of Quack with the Ducks, the first of ...

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OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!

skoolmunkee at 4:11PM, Jan. 28, 2009

OK, pretend it is Thursday and this is the Thursday newspost!

Because it turned Thursday for me 10 minutes ago, so I think that's okay.

Another creator interview is up! This time, BlkKnight interviews alejkhan (creator of Lola, Jump, and Fireborn)! So far they are 4 for 4 with ...

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House of the Muses is interviewed (and the usual milestones)!

skoolmunkee at 12:02AM, Jan. 26, 2009

House of the Muses is the subject of the newest Quack With The Ducks Interview - it's a great read from someone who really cares about their comic, I suggest you go check it out!

Senshuu's LOVEFEAST is 1 year old! Congrats!

No Talent by TheFlyingGreenMonkey has hit 25 ...

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Oh no the Mafia! (And milestones)

skoolmunkee at 9:11AM, Jan. 19, 2009

Hey guys! Do you like the the Mafia? Who doesn't? Black Kitty would like to get a game of Mafia running on the DD forums (and I want to play it but we need more people) so if you are interested you should sign up!

Today, I Think My ...

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Just a couple milestones!

skoolmunkee at 8:02AM, Jan. 17, 2009

The Bend by not_too_shabby has reached its one year anniversary!

Twilight_of_the_gods's comic Perfectly Normal Insanity has recently turned both three years old and 150 pages!

Congrats to you both!

More milestones on Monday!

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