Another interview! And more milestones! And a contest!

skoolmunkee at 3:18AM, May 29, 2009 I thrive on bringing something original into reality. To be more specific and personal, for myself, it's a dream come true each time I can take my ideas and see it become a reality in front of me.

On Monday ...

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Thursday news!

skoolmunkee at 2:39AM, April 23, 2009

The Chronicles of Wyrden by Doctor Shadow and Gill hit 150 pages today!

Also today, ghostrunner's Grin n Spirit has reached 450!

Kohdok's for Your Eyes Only turned 2 years old yesterday! “It's almost 400 pages and over 800,000 pageviews! Ha!”

Comicdeoxyribonucleicacid, which is about ...

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DD Mafia, Milestones, and a bunch of stuff from Villain Next Door!

skoolmunkee at 12:41AM, April 16, 2009

The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has hit 100 pages! The Mafia game is really fun, and being in the comic (which Niccea and others so generously do) is an extra bonus to playing! It's fun to read the comic and re-live the game, each one ends up being a ...

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Massive news update today!

skoolmunkee at 4:05AM, April 9, 2009

Massive news update today!

Earlier this week there was almost no news, and since then loads of news has come in! What's with you guys, eh? Is the full moon making you more productive or something? Not that I'm complaining! :] Now go and eat some marshmallow and chocolate ...

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Secret Santa, milestones, XcapeCON, and more! (Actually... no, that's it this time)

skoolmunkee at 11:10AM, Nov. 19, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups - Hurry up because signups close on December 1st! This year is gonna be big!

XcapeCON is happening this coming weekend in Flint, Michigan! It will have all the good ol' con stuff, events, lots of guests, publishers, and dealers. Sounds like a big event! If ...

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Happy Hallows thingy... early

Ozoneocean at 10:52PM, Oct. 30, 2008


Woooo….. Yeah! Crappy animated gifs!!! Isn't that scary? It's like we went back in time to 1998! o_O
OMG! Then webcomics would all still be on Geocities… NOOoooooooooo!!!!


Carrollhach has some good news!

Clench and Cheese is reaching 300 strips in a week or so ...

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One more bug FIXED... and an Everest of massive mountainous milestones!

Ozoneocean at 5:16AM, Oct. 17, 2008

Fist up, some news on fixed bugs.
Yep, that's right; fixed.
after the server move in mid September some newer comic accounts went screwy. Well there's nothing we could do about comic accounts created on the weekend before the server move (around the 19th I think), those two ...

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This is how a harem girl dances

skoolmunkee at 4:38AM, Dec. 17, 2007

New Creator Interview is UP!

I know it's been a while since my last one, and that's because… I've been lazy. But I've had my coffee now and interviews are back! This time around we talk a little about Westerns with keithmccleary of Killing Tree Quarterly ...

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The last newspost of November 2007 (probably?)

SpANG at 3:19PM, Nov. 29, 2007

edit: skoolmunkee has added a couple to the end! Be sure to check!

Here are some milestones and announcements for youz guyz!

slimredninja would like to announce the following bit of awesomeness:

Morning Squirtz is back after a long hiatus we are about to post a couple of new ...

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Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!

SpANG at 1:13PM, Nov. 15, 2007

Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send ‘em to me too. I don’t mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!

Now for some announcements…

oachambers wants to mention ...

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