Shaking the Pillars part 1

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 11, 2018

Shaking the Pillars part 1 - Losing the Lead

The Walking Dead is apparently killing off its main character this season - this is the guy who's been the main guy since episode 1 about 8 years ago. This is not a spoiler - it's all over the Internet, the promos ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Smell the Roses

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 10, 2018

Mark is the mechanic for a rocket-ship searching for a habitable planet. His crew is in luck because after a hard lesson on gravity they have reached a new planet where they do not need to wear helmets. There are a few uncertain things lurking on this planet that Mark ...

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Quackast 395 - Fighting ladies

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 9, 2018


Fighting ladies, female bad-ass characters… There are a lot more of them around now, but once upon a time they were pretty thin on the ground. I love a good badarse lady, my own comic character Pinky TA exemplifies that character type. There's something about a tough lady ...

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A Few Banksy's Short of a Sotheby's

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 8, 2018

Over the last twenty-four hours, the latest story about UK street artist, Banksy, has shown up on my social media newsfeed, in passing conversations, and in text messages. My friends immersed in the art world are talking about as well as my best friend since childhood and my own sister ...

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Outgrowing your story

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Oct. 5, 2018

The idea that you might have outgrown your own work can be scary thought to consider, especially if you have quite a bit of time and energy putting it together. Maybe it is in the art style or that the ideas you wanted to explore no longer interest you. So ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Glass rafters

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 3, 2018

This autobiographical blog comic is as sharp as a knife and cuts like a rusty razor. The art is beautifully honed, crisp and clean, as are the observations: Sweet art and salty writing. Glass Rafters is often dark, a little ironic, a touch satirical, and brutally honest in a very ...

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Quackast 394 - Nostalgia, creative fuel?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2018


Nostalgia! - Where does it fit in the creative process? People are the product of their influences. For a lot of us the strongest influences happen when we're growing up and learning about the world and all the things IN it for the first time. As you get older ...

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White Swan, Black Swan

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 29, 2018

In Swan Lake, the black swan Odile is transformed by her warlock father into the white swan, Odette, and posing as Odette she tricks the prince into breaking his oath to the white swan- because clearly making life-binding oaths to a woman you know so little you can mistake her ...

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The slow grind that is webcomics and how to combat it

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Sept. 28, 2018

Once the honeymoon sheen of releasing your new project wears you can easily find yourself burnt out by the concept of having to muster the energy to continue working on it. Sometimes you might have written yourself into a corner or maybe you feel like you are not liking the ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Drunk Duck Awards 2018

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 26, 2018

You are invited to the 2018 Drunk Duck Awards Show! This year's theme is modeled after movie awards shows and several comic creators have assembled marvelous movie posters that look riveting and professional. This year's show is brought to you by our host, Niccea, along with the assistance ...

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