not the Smiths
I had a topic in mind for this week, but didn't get to it early enough, and it turns out that it's a bit too ambitious to bring together in time for today.
Instead, I'll go for the low-hanging fruit and spew out a ...
Seeing the Whole Thing At Once
Banes at 12:00AM, March 10, 2022
I like the feature in my art program that allows me to see all the pages in progress at once.
Professional TV and film writers use a bulletin board with index cards to map out their stories - I've tried this a few times and it makes sense to me ...
QUACKCAST 572 - Myths of fiction part 2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 1, 2022 LISTEN on our new player!
Listen on Stitcher -
Or TuneinRadio -–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/
Last week we did a thing of the persistent myths of fiction- fictional conventions that we all just accept, and are repeated over and over and even ...
Psychic Powers
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 20, 2022
Psychic Powers
Comics and fiction in general has presented to us many fascinating concepts that has kept our imagination hungering for more. Whether it be time travel or magic or technology lightyears ahead of our current frame of comprehension. But one concept in particular that always gets me hungering for ...
Tropes I Hate
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2021
So maybe the verb ‘hate’ is excessive, but there are some tropes that can really throw me off a story. Or perhaps, what throws me is the way they are used. I firmly believe that any trope can be part of a solid, enjoyable story, even the ones I hate ...
Comic Prep Work
damehelsing at 12:00AM, July 4, 2021
One of the things I love the most about comics, is the prep work, which may not be obvious by the countless amount of times that I’ve stated that I’m doing absolutely no prep work as of now for Scorned; but when I worked on Scarred Eden, that ...
You Have a Superpower
Banes at 12:00AM, June 3, 2021
shields up!
Our struggles are probably different in some ways, and maybe the same in others. But as comic creators, there are certain issues many of us have in common:
Finding time to make our comics,
Spending too little time…or too much time on them,
Making decisions about our ...
Writing Tools
damehelsing at 12:00AM, May 2, 2021
Everyone has a different way of jotting down ideas, writing out their stories and planning their comic pages. (even if it may be on the walls too…)
When I was working on Scarred Eden (rip my baby project that’s on a reboot loop) I had a document of timelines ...
Sign up for Raytoons Virtual Spring and Summer Art Classes and KAM Won an Award!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 5, 2021
This Spring and Summer, Raytoons is offering a wide variety of classes through Outschool, for virtual learning.
Classes Offered:
-Make Comic Books! Print Thousands! Publish and Distribute All Over! (ages 8+)
-Design Your First Video Game (Age 6+)
-App Attack! Coding Video Game Apps
-Video Game Coding for Teens
-Cartooning ...