Panel By Panel: 'Pious' and the Shot/Reverse Shot

hpkomic at 3:49PM, Sept. 8, 2023

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. One common technique we've not devoted time to is the iconic shot/reverse shot, but thankfully, we have a strong example thanks to this week's webcomic. This week, we are looking ...

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Panel By Panel: 'Ferda Boys' and Pacing

hpkomic at 5:48PM, Aug. 11, 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. This week I indulge in hockey through the webcomic Ferda Boys. This is a relatively new comic on The Duck, so seeing such a strong start is good. We're looking specifically at ...

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On plot armor

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 8, 2023

Ok yes. Plot armor in general is considered a mistake. With good reason. Enough plot armor and there are no stakes left in your plot, and the audience isn't worried your plot-armored characters may not make it. And if there's no suspense, there's no engagement or the ...

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Planning for the 2023 Drunk Duck Awards is Underway

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 3, 2023

Photo: “Casual Group Photo (Right Side)”. 2022 Drunk Duck Awards Community Project. (2022)

Niccea has spoken—The planning for the 2023 Drunk Duck Awards began last Friday, March 31, 2023. The two categories currently accepting volunteer sign-ups and art submissions in April 2023: Planning Committee and For Your Consideration (FYC ...

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Panel By Panel: ‘Withdrawn’ and Establishing Character in a Frame

hpkomic at 3:45PM, Dec. 16, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. I am taking a break from submitted comics this time to spotlight a panel from a recent comic I stumbled upon. This week we're talking about the comic Withdrawn, created by Duck ...

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Panel By Panel: 'Phineus: Magician for Hire' and Visual Pacing

hpkomic at 4:31PM, Nov. 18, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. I am working on another comic submission from a couple of posts ago. This week our volunteer is the creator of Phineus: Magician for Hire, Phinmagic. Specifically, he sent in page four of ...

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Pets in Comics

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 14, 2022

Pets are intimate companions that get us through the day. Cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, snakes, fish, you name it- they help us in their own way. And yet not many characters in fiction or comics tend to have them. I for one don't include animals at all in my ...

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The Medium is the Message

Banes at 12:00AM, March 17, 2022

People experience the pace of a story in different ways according to different story mediums.

When I bought some collections of the old newspaper strip “Li'l Abner”, I was interested to see how many strips would have a panel of recap from the story so far. It was funny ...

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The Lull

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 27, 2021

So you've just written a kick-ass, exciting sequence, and you are already looking forward to the next awesome, kick-ass exciting sequence that is coming right up…

…after the dreaded lull: the scenes in a story that have to take place between the exciting sequences. The scenes where technically plot-wise ...

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Making mistakes in your writing

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 27, 2021

Last week I wrote about what you can do when you make mistakes in the artwork of your webcomic. A mistake in the writing is oftentimes harder to fix than the artwork. Foreshadowing and building of the world’s foundations is baked into what you write, so when you finally ...

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