This is how a harem girl dances

skoolmunkee at 4:38AM, Dec. 17, 2007

New Creator Interview is UP!

I know it's been a while since my last one, and that's because… I've been lazy. But I've had my coffee now and interviews are back! This time around we talk a little about Westerns with keithmccleary of Killing Tree Quarterly ...

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Here is a newspost that I have made

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Dec. 10, 2007

Hey folks! Just as a reminder about what we'll make newsposts about, check out this forum thread!

The Asylumantics will be posting its 250th page this coming Friday. Also, I've re-released two Asylumantics comic collections just in time for the holidays. Readers can purchase them (and more ...

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More stuff!

skoolmunkee at 10:10AM, Dec. 6, 2007

I have teemed up with a writer friend of mine to make a comic submission to and surprise we got selected to compete in the December contest. The comic is called Avast Ye. It’s the story of two computer techs that give up their ...

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skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, Dec. 2, 2007

hpkomic (Galactic Hub Serreven) and kcg (Horribleville) have teamed up and gotten a comic into Nickelodeon Magazine! Rush out and buy it and tell everyone how much you like Wizard Brothers!

Don't forget that Darth Mongoose of FanDanGo has made it into the top 15 finalists of Rising Stars ...

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Skoolmunkee didn't want to post this stuff :(

SpANG at 6:16AM, Nov. 19, 2007

Ah, I'm just kidding! She probably just overlooked it!

Passing the 500 page milestone today is shaneronzio's CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS story that can only be seen the Drunk duck! Congrats!

Fenn announces that The Wrong Hero will be hitting 25 pages on this coming Wednesday the 21st. Yay ...

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Despite its spelling, "news" does rhyme with "booze"

skoolmunkee at 1:26PM, Nov. 17, 2007

Geez guys, send me a bunch of news why don't you!

Tantz Aerine

I'd like to announce a contest that my publishing house is making of illustrating some scenes from my Art of Veiling book (the scenes can be read online in pdf format) where the first ...

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Contests, Printings, Milestones, and Other Cool Announcements!

SpANG at 6:45PM, Nov. 11, 2007

Don't forget about the Fix8 contest!

Okay everyone, check this out…

We're working with a company called Fix8 to put together a freaking awesome contest… here's how it works:

Fix8 has this software that puts a 3d model in place of you when you're on ...

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More stuff!

SpANG at 6:33PM, Nov. 2, 2007

Howdy, fellow ducks!

As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a while and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

Don't forget to check out the LATEST GIGCAST (with DRUNK DUCK ...

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Yeah, I'm posting the news. You gotta problem with that? :P

SpANG at 11:31AM, Oct. 20, 2007

A new creator interview is up! The lovely skoolmunkee has interviewed Inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu for you reading pleasure!

What are the pros and cons of doing a comic that runs as long as yours has?
Well, the pro is that I can get more hits from one guy ...

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That's right, the sensation you've all heard about is here, skoolmunkee's NewsaTonic

skoolmunkee at 12:39PM, Oct. 12, 2007


Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome. If I may have your attention for just a moment or two, just a minute or three of your time today, I promise that I will tell you something and sell you something that will ...

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