Showing Movement in Comics

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 17, 2022

by Frank Miller


I was talking to my brother about writing scripts for comics and mentioned that I sometimes forget that what I'm writing can't move. I'd start accidentally writing as if it were a movie script, with characters moving around, then realize that I ...

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The Silver Lining

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 12, 2022

So I just watched the latest Trope Talk by Overly Sharkastic Productions on Youtube (high recommend if you aren't already subscribed). The focus was on Doomed Heroes, and there's not much I'd be able to add to that comprehensive essay. Go watch it.

What it did inspire ...

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DD update post 11th of November

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 11, 2022
tags: DD, post, update

Another site redesign update
Alexey continues working and coding this stuff up towards a full working front page. Thanks for all your support (especially on Patreon and with ads, it helps a lot), and comments and feedback, we really try to incorporate them and keep them in mind when we ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Eternity Dreams

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 9, 2022

It's their last night in town and the band is having a farewell concert, but Teresa senses something dark and dangerous afoot. She knows she should leave before things get serious, and yet the impressions are just too nebulous and it's easier to go with the flow. That ...

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NaNoWriMo for comics

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Nov. 5, 2022

National Novel Writing Month is here once again. Throughout the month of November writers across multiple disciplines and genres challenge themselves to sit down and write a 50K word novel. Although I am not participating this year, that’s not to say that this month can’t be dedicated to ...

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Panel By Panel: Spirit Monk and Crossing Boundaries

hpkomic at 7:18AM, Nov. 4, 2022

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck.

Last week I invited creators to send pages and panels they are proud of for me to look at and potentially write about. The response was good, and I am glad to say ...

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Alternate Endings

Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 3, 2022

Within the past couple years I finally saw the original ending of Little Shop of Horrors directed by Frank Oz. This movie made a big impact on the culture when it came out. It wasn't super important to me personally, so it was years after the release of the ...

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Our Relationship With Death

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 29, 2022

It's almost Halloween!

…and it isn't part of my culture. It's only recently started to become a “novelty thing” in Greece, and we totally don't quite get it the way people who actually celebrate it likely do. So I don't want to talk about Halloween ...

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DD update post 28th of October

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 28, 2022
tags: DD, post, update

Latest update news

Here's your weekly update for the progress of the site development! Three things:

- Alexey and I have come up with all the genres and things that will be in each of the lists on the front page! I'll list those bellow. You might have some ...

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Horror and Technology

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 27, 2022

I watched and enjoyed this year's horror movie “Barbarian” awhile back. It starts off as the first AirBnB horror movie - or the first one I've seen, anyway.

It occurred to me that back when cell phones grew into common usage I wondered how horror fiction would deal with ...

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