Stan Lee
1922 - 2018
'Nuff said.
No, of course, ‘nuff can likely never be said about this man and the body of work he’s left behind for us.
It's been a rough couple days for comic fans. I must admit, I've been a bit of a wreck ...
Farewell to Stan Lee
Banes at 12:00AM, Nov. 15, 2018Quackast 400 - Pros&cons of webcomic creation!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2018
LISTEN on our new player!
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In this Quackcast DD members tell us about their history with us as well as the pros and cons of webcomicing.
This is the ...
3,2,1, Let's Jam!
Amelius at 2:44PM, Nov. 11, 2018
Not all ideas start fully formed. Look at any character which is drawn over a long period of time and you'll almost always see changes, refinements and evolutions in how the character is drawn and the overall style surrounding the character. Frequently these changes are gradual as result of ...
The Stories We Choose
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 10, 2018
The other day, my mother told me “you are still angry, which is why your story is also full of intense and violent emotion,” referring to the very grim, heavy tone and mood in Without Moonlight. It impressed me really because it rang true. My heart is still very heavy ...
Getting The Size Just Right
Amelius at 10:28AM, Nov. 4, 2018
(With apologies to the late Mr. Jones for use of his three bears!)
Presentation is very important when you're sharing your comic with the world on the digital medium. There's so much potential for distraction, so you need to make sure that what you are presenting to your ...
The Mini-Story Intro
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Nov. 3, 2018
In today's fast-paced world, you need to immediately catch an audience's attention with your story, your movie, your webcomic or your graphic novel. You get two lines in a text, a page or two in a comic, 20-30 seconds to a minute for a movie or a series ...
Introductions: A Wall of Text!
Amelius at 10:06AM, Oct. 28, 2018
Hello everyone, I'm your new article writer here on DD, Amy! And while we are on the topic OF introductions, what finer time would there be to discuss that very thing than in this very inaugural article? No better time, says I!
Introductions are hard. It's the first ...
Organizing For Comic Making
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 20, 2018
Procrastinating is an art. I know it well for the past 7 years or so of making Without Moonlight, I have updated extremely sporadically. Some updates had months spanning between them. But this last year I've been producing steadily two pages a month. I know, I know, it's ...
DD Twitter Hour - Come in for a chat
Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, May 4, 2018
If you’re looking for a way to connect with a wider comic audience as well as fellow creators a great way to do so is fly over to Twitter and join in one the weekly chats held throughout the week.
These chats run for about an hour and it ...