One Three to Rule Them All

Banes at 12:00AM, June 8, 2023

There are many areas where the “rule of three” comes into play. There are plenty of them in storytelling.

Fairy Tales and Fables are full of threes, of course, with Three Little Pigs, Three Bears, Three Wishes, and on and on - the first unit sets things up, the second reinforces ...

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Character Analysis: Levana from Vampire Girl

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 27, 2023

It’s been quite a bit since I last made a character deep dive, but since I got a bit more time on my hands, here we are! Today’s Character Analysis is about Levana from Vampire Girl by Marie Kerns and J_Scarbrough!

So, first things first! Vampire Girl is ...

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The Prattler

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 20, 2023

This character can be insufferably annoying.

No, this character is insufferably annoying, but it's up to you whether that's to the other characters or the audience. When written correctly, the prattler can be comedy gold or a swift ticket to the most delicious kind of schadenfreude: watching the ...

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Panel By Panel: Our First Scavenger Hunt (The Results!)

hpkomic at 11:43AM, May 19, 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. This week we are checking in with the scavenger hunt launch in the last post, where I asked you to find specific examples of a panel in your work, and we have some ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 3, 2023

All aboard the interrealm train, heading toward a one-way stop to the Shadowlands. The conductor this evening is Rebeka Sutton joined by the Q.T.74 (aka “Cutie”), a mechanical spider companion. Rebeka seeks to help unburden transitioning passengers traveling through this train track. The next passenger scheduled to board ...

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Fanservice and Nostalgia

Banes at 12:00AM, April 27, 2023

Picard Season Three hit the fan service HARD. I absolutely loved it.

The final season of Star Trek Picard is winning very good reviews from fans and critics.

Of course, in some corners there is criticism of fan service, nostalgia and ‘member berries’ being the driving force behind the season ...

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Planning for the 2023 Drunk Duck Awards is Underway

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 3, 2023

Photo: “Casual Group Photo (Right Side)”. 2022 Drunk Duck Awards Community Project. (2022)

Niccea has spoken—The planning for the 2023 Drunk Duck Awards began last Friday, March 31, 2023. The two categories currently accepting volunteer sign-ups and art submissions in April 2023: Planning Committee and For Your Consideration (FYC ...

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Character Analysis: TK from Typical Strange

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 25, 2023

Ok so here we are! Let’s get down into the weeds with Typical Strange’s TK!

…did that come out wrong? I’m sure TK would have a thing or two to say.

So, first things first. Typical Strange is the lovely creation of Banes. It’s a comedy ...

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Prose v Comics

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 23, 2023

When I first started putting together my story idea for Typical Strange many years ago, I imagined it to be an animated series. With a lot of time and effort and learning Toon Boom software along the way, I had a pretty strong idea of the main characters, and a ...

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Character trait: Toxic Positivity, Toxic Acceptance (Part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 28, 2023

Usually, antagonists or villains are emo and gloomy, angry and aggressive, suave and sly, or any combination of that. They are not generally associated with positive traits in their personality, or at least positively-associated traits.

And that's a shame, because real life sure does have a lot of variety ...

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