Panel By Panel: Phantasos and Perspective

hpkomic at 8:09AM, July 29, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

This week we will check out a panel from the webcomic Phantasos by user jslongstreet. This is ...

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Unearthing old comics

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 23, 2022

I’m back! It’s been a hot minute hasn’t it? I’ll be taking over a blog spot once a month for a while. And for today I have a very interesting topic (hopefully!).

Recently, I have been helping out with the improvements to the site here. As ...

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The DD Awards Nominees And Some Announcements

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 16, 2022

The DD Awards Nominees are here!

Thanks to the amazing Niccea your votes have been tallied and the DD Awards Nominees have emerged!

You can see them all here!

If you are a Nominee, congratulations!! I need your attention for a moment:

As the DD twitter admin, I want to ...

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Panel by Panel: The Waves Inside and Negative Space

hpkomic at 7:12AM, July 15, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

This week we will be checking out a panel from the webcomic The Waves Inside by the ...

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Page 100 for Interstellar Battle Girls League of Super Warriors

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 11, 2022

Photo: “Intermission Torlak'garoth page 90” by Bravo1102. (June 2022)

Incoming transmission from Bravo1102. Take it away—

Bravo1102 writes:

”Subject: Page 100 for Interstellar Battle Girls League of Super Warriors

Bravo1102 here coming up is the one hundredth page of the comic Interstellar Battle Girls League of Super Warriors. Ridiculous ...

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On Designing Outfits

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 9, 2022

Character design needs careful planning on all levels: from the character's psyche and personality to their body type, mannerisms, hair, and of course, outfits.

Like in real life, what a character wears is a reflection of their personality and their general situation.

There's a reason why Jessica Rabbit ...

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DD update post 09/JULY/2022

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 8, 2022
tags: post, Site, update

Latest update news

Sorry this post was so late. I had reasons.

-First up
Alexey has updated the prototype template to hold both main and mobile pages here:

-Second up
I was finally able to get money out of the Anthology and I went ...

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The Origin Story

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 2, 2022

It's common knowledge that a solid origin story will make a character. It'll often also make the story being told. Origin stories can be and often are the foundation for characters and plotlines, since motivations, plot points, and even stakes are set in them.

But what makes a ...

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Panel by Panel: Android Blues and the Full Frame Two-Shot

hpkomic at 5:50AM, July 1, 2022

Hello and welcome to Panel by Panel, an analysis of panels from comics right here on The Duck and exploring what they do, how they work, and what we can learn from them.

This week we will be checking out a panel from the webcomic Android Blues by the user ...

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