Character and subtext in horror

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 18, 2018

The Haunting of Hill House is masterfully done horror with humanity

The Drunk Duck Awards, 2018 are underway! Check 'em out here:

In the movie “The Innkeepers”, two clerks in an allegedly haunted hotel work on the last night before the place closes down. They ...

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Shaking the Pillars part 1

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 11, 2018

Shaking the Pillars part 1 - Losing the Lead

The Walking Dead is apparently killing off its main character this season - this is the guy who's been the main guy since episode 1 about 8 years ago. This is not a spoiler - it's all over the Internet, the promos ...

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When you hate your characters!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 31, 2018

You’ve gone through the arduous process of fleshing out your world, the themes and the lore and you’re standing back looking at your shining new playground; but there is a blight standing right in the centre that you can no longer ignore. You hate your characters. Maybe it ...

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Casting Characters in Comics - 123

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 2, 2018

Creating a Cast - in 1-2-3

One of the challenges…and maybe one of the greatest pleasures…of creating a series is populating it with a cast of heroes. I know I spend many weeks or months tinkering with characters and deciding who they're going to be. …And how many ...

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Your Character's Hobbies

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 28, 2018

We all talk about the sheer necessity to create characters that don't appear cardboard, that are fleshed out, that generally feel like real flesh-and-blood, living, breathing people (regardless of your character's species or nature) with personalities that ring true to the audience.

There are several elements that contribute ...

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The Sizzle and the Steak

Banes at 12:00AM, May 10, 2018

For of all sad words of tongue and pen,
The saddest are these: “It might have been!”

Whether it's a webcomic, graphic novel, book, TV Show or movie, there is generally a “promise” made to the audience on some level. Maybe it starts with a thumbnail image and a ...

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Gray, Black and White (part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 14, 2018

I had to hold myself back from making a 50 shades joke so badly I feel chafing from the restraints.

But this isn't about what you think- i.e. using grayscale or black and white rather than colour in a webcomic.

Rather, this is about a webcomic's characters ...

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The Importance of Writing a Character with Flaws

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 12, 2018

In the latest issue of Game Informer, a magazine produced by GameStop in North America, there was an entire article about a new game being released called “Night in the Woods” featuring anthropomorphic animals that exhibit mental health characteristics such as depression and bipolar disorder. This article struck a chord ...

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Damaged Protagonists

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 18, 2018
tags: banes, best, no, of, pain, thursdays, with

A well written protagonist will generally have some flaws, starting out as an underdog of some kind, with lessons to learn and improvements to make over the course of the story.

Granted, some heroes are, well, just heroes, who are pretty much who they need to be from the beginning ...

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The Turn

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 23, 2017

There are few scenes more dramatic, more alluring and more riveting than the moment when the one of the main characters of a story makes the Turn: the moment where they change their convictions- for better or worse.

If properly prepared, the Turn is an extremely cathartic and exciting moment ...

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