RSS for newsposts, Quackcast #8, new DDer interview and bits and bobs!

skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, Dec. 21, 2010

Why do we call Drunk Duck members “DDers” or “Drunk Duckers”? I mean, wouldn't “Ducks” (or Drunk Ducks) be simpler? I dunno. :shrug:

The Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Never miss a newspost with this fancy newfangled technology (okay it's been around a long time ...

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Mafia, Secret Santa, finished comics and milestones- I am full of holiday excitement!

skoolmunkee at 4:21PM, Dec. 17, 2010

What are YOU full of?

You know the drill by now guys- MAFIA SIGNUPS HAVE COME AGAIN! The Flying Green Monkey is your GM and the theme of this game is: “The Spanish Mongoose Venom has struck again. This game is basically continuing crazy games based on the said Venom ...

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Super special newspost that is not ordinary at all!

skoolmunkee at 11:15AM, Dec. 7, 2010

On December 9, 2010 Attack of the Robofemoids reaches 75 pages with lots of gun fire at attacking aliens. Have to thank all the readers for their support and recent comments.

Quest for Zanvadas by Hunchdebunch has reached 50 pages, and “we finally get introduced to some new characters ...

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DD member interviews are GO! Not-contest results! Super sized news!

skoolmunkee at 11:12AM, Nov. 28, 2010

I know it was a slow weekend for some of you, but stuff happened while you were gone, you know! Most especially, I've posted some DD member interviews- you should really check them out!

First though, some milestones, and a very special announcement for a very special comic:

Arachnid ...

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A hundred sadfaces! And three milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:17AM, Nov. 23, 2010

How come no one is signing up for the Quack With the Ducks Community Interview Project? :[ :[ :[ A hundred sadfaces!

Guess what! The Drunk Duck MAFIA Comic (as run by Niccea and drawn by various cool people) hit 300 pages on Monday!

At 300 pages is DarkGesen's Gesen! It marks ...

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Done with downtime, up with milestones and the Voice contest!

skoolmunkee at 11:48AM, Nov. 17, 2010

First up, a quick apology for the bit of downtime we had earlier this week. They had to move the old DD to the new server, which would let them develop a new DD which uses the old DD's databases and stuff and works at the same time , which ...

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Milestones as usual, and The People that Melt in the Rain is finalist for SP Idol 2010

skoolmunkee at 2:52PM, Nov. 7, 2010

The People That Melt in The Rain is a finalist in the Small Press Idol competition for 2010.
This basically means we have a special issue of the comic coming out in print from The Dimestore Distro. It's the story that's currently running on this site, but ...

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The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too

skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010

Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...

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It's a veritable buffet of news!

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Oct. 12, 2010

How about a nice Heroes Alliance soup? Does 75 pages sound tempting? A special from Abt_Nihil! It has many special ingredients!

A.D. 1997 is all the rage in salads this season, also prepared by chef Abt_Nihil. He has prepared 175 pages, so there is lots to go around! So ...

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