2015 DD Radio Play: Script Submission Rollout

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 26, 2015

-Original Artwork by Kroatz, full-sized version here.

A Message from Kroatz:

Four writers, each with their own unique tale to tell, are working hard on the DD Radioplay 2015. February fifth, each of them will bring us their best work, and it will be judged by a panel of experts ...

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Turning an Idea into a Comic

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2015

I was sitting in a boring Canadian politics lecture the other day (I'm not sure what else I expected from that class, really…) when inspiration struck - a comic idea! Unfortunately it's the first good idea I've had since approximately 2008, and I'm a few years removed ...

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The Importance of a Muse

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 19, 2015
tags: 20, DD, due, January, Play, Radio, Scripts

In Ancient Greece, the Muses were goddesses responsible for the formation of knowledge, namely creativity in the arts, literature, and poetry. They are shown depicted on the side of red-figure pottery and high-relief sculptures. Overtime, the muses have been shown more discretely through various forms of media such as a ...

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Submit your radio play script ideas!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 16, 2015

Just a reminder that if you're planning on writing a script for the 2015 DD Radio Play, you need to send an idea to Kroatz by January 20th, less than a week from today. So far only two people have volunteered to write scripts, so yours odds of being ...

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It needs to be said.

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2015

Last Thursday, when I read the latest news headline about the attacks on Paris-based satire magazine, Charlie Hebdo, it struck a chord with me. It was not because this was the latest sad event in a sea of heartbreaking news. It struck a chord with me as a person whose ...

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2015 Radio Play - Call for Scripts!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 9, 2015
tags: 2015, play, radio, scripts

As I mentioned in last week’s newspost, we’re in the beginning stages of doing this year’s radio play. The first step will be to choose a script (or two)! Here are Kroatz’ rules for scripts.


Here's what we're going to ...

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Drawing from Life

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 5, 2015
tags: drawing, life

Around Spring of last year, in an attempt to keep my pen moving, I signed up for a life drawing class. It was the first time since high school art class that I was going to draw human models in real life. Over the last decade, most of the human ...

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Radio Play 2015 - What can YOU do to help?

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 2, 2015


2014 saw a very sad thing happen, or rather not happen – the first time in four years that we did not to a DD Radio Play. For those who haven’t participated in the past, the Radio Play is truly one of the coolest ...

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Happy boxing day!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 26, 2014
tags: boxing, christmas, day

I hope you'll all forgive me for a short newspost this week as I spend time opening presents, watching movies and baking with my family.

I'd like to thank everyone who took part in Secret Santa this year. I was completely blown away by the quality of the ...

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Santa Claus is Coming to Town this Thursday

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 22, 2014

This week, everyone's favorite jolly ole elf will be coming to town. That's right, I am talking about Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, but mainly Santa Claus. In order to prepare, there has been an on going Secret Santa art exchange in the forums where the Christmas ...

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