Tools of the Trade

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 27, 2018

Webcomics can take many forms and with every story comes a unique and creative style. We have talked about naming your comics, the themes one can incorporate and how you developed your own style over time. This week, we’re getting technical. This week we break out the tools!

Back ...

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Collaboration - An Unexpected Love Letter

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 20, 2018

Time for a change of pace! I don’t usually like to do a lot of these types of articles but this topic might benefit from a touch of experience. So bear with me and my small trip into self-indulgence.

Some of you might know that I am actually part ...

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Politics in Fiction

Banes at 12:00AM, July 19, 2018

There was recently a Provincial Election in the part of Canada where I live, and there's a Federal Election coming up in about a year.

With the brouhaha going on in the world these days about politics and the divisions between many people that are resulting from it, I ...

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Naming your Child (and by child I mean comic)

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, July 13, 2018

You’ve got your story, your drawn your buffers and you are ready to set your child free and loose in the world. But wait? What name do you put on it’s tag so people know who it ultimately belongs to? Naming a work can be incredibly frustrating and ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Children of the Gods

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 11, 2018

What happens when ordinary people suddenly become massively super-powered, possessed of abilities well outside of the dreams of any normal person? Comics tell us they become either super heroes or super villains, this comic looks at it another way… They become gods. Or at least that's how they think ...

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Please Yourself? Or Please the Crowd?

Banes at 12:00AM, July 5, 2018

May the Forcefulness Be With You

I've been fascinated to watch the unfolding of the “battle” between Disney's Lucasfilm and the fandom playing out over the past few months.

If you haven't been looking at the fallout, there's too much for me to cover here; I ...

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Quackcast 381 - site upgrades and messing with creators

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 3, 2018


We talk about all the new upgrades that DD has just gotten: the new comment notification and reply features (a huge thank you to all who donated and helped out with that!!!), our new notification icons, getting HTTPS on the site, moving to the new ad system after the ...

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Proving Your Progressiveness?

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 30, 2018

Yesterday, Mks_Monsters asked me to talk about an experience of hers, which I have seen being shared with a range of creators belonging to certain social groups (female, LGBTQ, POC, etc) if their occasional tweets on the matter are to be believed: That support for them on the basis of ...

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Speed Vs Detail

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, June 22, 2018

Balancing detail and speed is one hell of a trick for a webcomic creator. It is common pitfall for many of us starting our webcomic. Unfortunately one cannot always have both of these qualities in the work. We go ham on all the intricacies early on and then wonder why ...

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Emotional Color Wheel

Banes at 5:11AM, June 21, 2018

No pic for this one. I'll add one later if the fates allow!

I was a big fan of all the Indiana Jones movies back in the day. When the fourth one, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, finally came out, it was exciting times! Harrison Ford only seemed ...

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