josif's messed up… I mean, josif's comic's messed up… I mean, nothing is messed up, just that josif's comic, it's messed up… anyway, he would like me to announce that his comic is starting “Version 2.0” where the art style has changed majorly (in ...
It puts the newspost on the page or else it gets the hose again
skoolmunkee at 11:36PM, Aug. 23, 2006Oops, I forgot I had news to post, sorry for being late with this! And because I've knocked Volte's big-ol update related newspost from yesterday off the main page, I'll re-quote it below in case you missed it.
Tuesday, August 22th marks the 2nd anniversary of Nerdcore ...
Super Size Newspost
Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, Aug. 10, 2006Hey guys~ New day, new newspost! First the DrunkDuck stuff:
FIGHTSPLOSION! Sign-ups are to start either tomorrow or Saturday. So if you're looking to kick some comic butt (or participate in other ways), check it out!
I know I mentioned it in the last post but good news is ...
Slightly less short but probably as sweet!
skoolmunkee at 10:38PM, July 2, 2006CutmanSteel of Megaman the Cataclysm would like everyone to know that he and Hunter Fusion need characters for their comic. He says they must be full sheets, and since the comic is sprite-based I assume that means full sprite sheets (for poses and things). Also, they'd like them to ...
Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.
Black_Kitty at 1:01AM, June 2, 2006Got a whole batch of news for you guys today~
The Quack released their June issue recently! It features an interview with hpk, some very delicious comics and many more! July's theme is going to be “summer vacation” and if you're interested in contributing, contact Eleika about it ...
Public Speech About Drawing Figures and Webcomics
skoolmunkee at 3:32AM, April 24, 2006Jillyfoo is giving a public speech today (April 24th) about using references for drawing webcomics. It is at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the University of Minnesota, Mankato. It's titled Drawing the Figure Using References For An Online Comic. Sorry, I don't know the time….
That's understandably ...
Well what do you know?
skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, March 17, 2006Sorry the updates have been fewer and farther between lately. We aren't completely organized yet (also we like to keep major things on the front page, if we can).
Would someone who went to the UK Mini and Web Comics Thing like to send me an email or PM ...
The Community Post
skoolmunkee at 11:59AM, Feb. 22, 2006By popular demand, I'm making a newspost today about a bunch of the community projects that go on in Drunk Duck all the time. Some of these are ongoing and some of them aren't, but they are all pretty interesting. Of course you don't have to participate ...