The Challenge of Obeying The Rules

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 8, 2020

Rules are meant to be bent, or broken.

Of course they are- if it's a one time thing. If it happens all the time, the stakes collapse, the story comes apart, and the experience is ruined. I'm talking about stories, of course…

As we've talked about time ...

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The feeling that you're never doing enough

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Feb. 7, 2020

For most of us, creating webcomics is a side hustle; a hobby or “second job” that we come home to after we’re done with our day jobs. In many ways you make your own rules and set your own hours, however, this can lead to an underlying sense that ...

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The Icons - Jughead

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2020

I'm not sure who the first fictional character was that I became attached to. The Cat in the Hat? Superman or Batman? Animal from the Muppets? Oscar the Grouch?

In any case, Jughead Jones was somewhere in that very early group of beloved characters. I liked Archie, and envied ...

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Writing Wise Folk

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 1, 2020

Wise men are like valuable spice for a story. They are also a wonderful plot device, or an extremely cheesy one, depending on how the character is used and written.

Wise men (and women) are often the moral compass to the main characters, or hold some kind of answer to ...

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Let's join hands and collaborate!

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 31, 2020

A great way to get eyes on your work is to form collaborations with other creators. Collaborations are not only an effective way to promote your comic to new readers, but they also help build a sense of community amongst other comic creators. Here are some examples of collaborations to ...

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Planning Ahead vs The Thrill of Discovery

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 30, 2020

A few Newsposts from our contributors have mentioned plotting or planning vs the pantsing or ‘discovery’ approach to writing.

Plotting, which is obviously building some kind of plan or outline, is an approach many writers swear by, at least to some degree. It might be a vague plan, with a ...

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On Writing Therapists 3

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2020

And so we have arrived to the juicy stuff- Evil Psychologists!

You'd be surprised, but there have been a LOT of those in real life. It's the reason that the ethics code and penalization if that code is broken is so severe for professionals in the mental health ...

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Superpowers Magic and Technology

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2020

Greetings, citizens!

Superpowers coming from magical abilities or fantastic technology are essential to many stories in the fantasy and science fiction genres. They can show up in other genres, too, like horror and of course, superhero stories (are they science fiction stories? Science-Fantasy? Heroic Fantasy? Whatever - most of those folks ...

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Comic Creating Apps versus Hand Drawing

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 20, 2020

A few years back, a comic app called Bit Strips was very popular on social media. It was a cut-and-paste type of comic creator that allowed an easy way to design a character and create stories or comics featuring the creator’s likeness. BitStrips was popular on social media or ...

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