News, glorious news, makes everything scrumptious

skoolmunkee at 8:13AM, Aug. 27, 2007

New Creator Interview is up! It's with Allan, of Allan!

Do you have any future plans for the comic or are you just going to take them as they come?
Since it's based on day-to-day activities I can't really predict what will be happening. In the future ...

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Okay here's the last of it... FOR NOW

skoolmunkee at 11:22AM, Aug. 19, 2007

I'm gonna make this quick because I have a Comic Remix to color! (They're due Monday, how much you want to bet the results will start being posted this week?)

Speaking of community stuff, DD Draw-Off Part 5 has started! Are you up to the challenge? I am ...

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Newspost part the twoth

skoolmunkee at 1:02PM, Aug. 15, 2007

In order of receipt!

DreamGazer's comic Just My Luck has ended, with 139 pages. Let's hope DreamGazer starts a new project!

MegamanEXE's 300th comic occurred on the 14th!

8-Bit Life has hit 25 pages!

The comic Xolta reached 50 pages! (Note, rated A.) to celebrate, he'll ...

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All Milestones, All The Time!

skoolmunkee at 8:58AM, July 20, 2007

Come get some of your own super-hot milestone action! Aaaow!

timlight's Drunk Duck Speesheez (a comic where he's drawing characters from the DD universe!) is 50, and his Super K O is almost 75! Also he says, “a million thanks!”

Allan's Allan is 100 pages old (that ...

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Okay this time I was just slacking.

skoolmunkee at 10:23AM, June 27, 2007

This just in, everyone needs to Send Black Kitty a PQ to tell her how great she is and how much you love her. No reason! I just think she's great and I'm sure I'm not the only one. (If you don't like her don't ...

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The point and click adventure newspost (so get clicking)

skoolmunkee at 2:24AM, June 23, 2007

kingofsnake (a username that always makes me curious, is he king of just ONE snake then?) tells me that sign ups have started for the next round of Comic Remix! What's Comic Remix? Here's a summary:

The idea is that a comic will have a totally different feel ...

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We're back from Philly, and boy are our arms tired!

Volte6 at 3:42PM, June 19, 2007

Hey everyone, the DD crew ( Myself, Howard, Carly ) are back from Wizard World Philly, and it was great! Thanks goes out to everyone who showed up!

Hey, lots of good stuff being posted in the forum (and more to come) like pictures and stuff from the trip! Go check it ...

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Tapdancing in roller skates

skoolmunkee at 12:28PM, June 6, 2007


Would everyone who has a Civil War comic please send me a PQ with the name, URL, and maybe a one-sentence description? I'm putting together a list. Thank you!

Also don't forget our current Creator Interview, tyrapendragon! (she runs Fusion ...

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Hey guys, today I got some stuff to say!

skoolmunkee at 2:22PM, May 22, 2007

Don't forget old newsposts (there have been more lately, there was one yesterday even!) can be found eitherin the Newspost forum or on the News page!

Black_Kitty is still running her contests! You can win Comixpedia ad space!

Drunk Duck University could use a few more participants! In ...

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