Hey guys, we're trying to do shorter but more frequent newsposts. That does mean they get bumped off the front page a little faster, but it also means they're all a little shorter, and there's new stuff more often on the main page.
So if you sent ...
The first of the shorter newsposts - except it isn't very short
skoolmunkee at 3:26PM, May 14, 2007News news news news
skoolmunkee at 10:53AM, April 27, 2007Okay guys, maybe you haven't noticed but there are some awesome new features all having to do with user profiles! Just click on someone's username and you will see…
Of course this means a couple of bugs have popped up. It might take a few days to fix ...
Let's keep this short and sweet, shall we?
skoolmunkee at 4:43AM, March 17, 2007[Edit by Black Kitty: I don't know why I keep missing Drazi500 but his comic Dragon Blade reached 30 pages AND it reached its first chapter…three weeks ago. >.<
So this is just a public apology to Drazi500 for being a jerk and keep missing his PQ. I'm ...
Here be your frequent dose of announcement goodies~
Black_Kitty at 8:32AM, Feb. 8, 2007Heylo you people of infinite delight!
Guess what? Flatworm's Blackheart has reached 100th pages! And to celebrate, there shall be a contest in which 10 lucky people can win Blackheart related goodies! YAY!
And if you're wondering who the winners are of the Valentine's NONtest…wonder no ...
Volte6 at 3:08PM, Aug. 18, 2006Well, we finally did it, the long awaited design upgrade to Drunk Duck!
Last week the Duck was moved to its own dedicated server. Today we not only did a significant design upgrade, but added some new tools too.
Check out the BROWSE function. You can now browse our over ...
Super Size Newspost
Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, Aug. 10, 2006Hey guys~ New day, new newspost! First the DrunkDuck stuff:
FIGHTSPLOSION! Sign-ups are to start either tomorrow or Saturday. So if you're looking to kick some comic butt (or participate in other ways), check it out!
I know I mentioned it in the last post but good news is ...