In before the system turn-over!

Black_Kitty at 9:04PM, Sept. 23, 2007

Hope this doesn't bump off Skoolmunkee's post but here's some more news!

Hero wanted everyone to know that he has another book out! The first chapter of Wintergreen Remix, Rock and Roll to the Rescue! Help a poor college student out: buy a book today!

While you ...

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You can fly you can fly you can fly you can flyyyy

skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, Sept. 19, 2007

Last Place Comics has reached 100 pages! Fantastico!

Allan has reached 150 comics and now everyone knows it! Excelente!

Priest_Revan's 2s Company has reached 75 pages! Magnifique!

Bloodlust: Eternal Conflict by Krimblade is at 50 pages! Groot!

mdean's No Guarantee has reached 50 pages! Fantastisch!

The always-excellent No ...

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I'm alive! :O

Black_Kitty at 6:35PM, Sept. 17, 2007

Hello dear duckies~ I am not dead! But don't forget to check out Skoolmunkee's other newspost! I'll try to jump back into the fray to help things out.

This is old news but I recently got interviewed on The Dish. I haven't listened to it but ...

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The head bone's connected to the neck bone

skoolmunkee at 12:24PM, Sept. 8, 2007

Last time I made a post about the comic Billy Learns to Rock but the link was wrong :) so here's a post with the right link!

Uncle Doug by makingcomicsstudios is 25 pages strong!

Nerfherder tells me that his comic Geeks the Comic Strip is 50 strips old!

Starship ...

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For those about to rock

skoolmunkee at 2:14AM, Sept. 4, 2007

I salute you! Because I'm about to go to work. And rocking is more fun than working.

Well it's been only a couple of days, so of course I have a very full PQ box with lots of news!

Rina_ran is having a contest!

I'm holding a ...

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I get to go to Ikea today!

skoolmunkee at 1:28AM, Aug. 30, 2007

Also, ARGH how is it almost September ALREADY? What have I done with my year? ;_;


Comic Remix 3.0 results are in! There's a ton of them guys, and they're all awesome! Visit the page to see how Drunk Duckers have interpreted each others' comics ...

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News, glorious news, makes everything scrumptious

skoolmunkee at 8:13AM, Aug. 27, 2007

New Creator Interview is up! It's with Allan, of Allan!

Do you have any future plans for the comic or are you just going to take them as they come?
Since it's based on day-to-day activities I can't really predict what will be happening. In the future ...

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Okay here's the last of it... FOR NOW

skoolmunkee at 11:22AM, Aug. 19, 2007

I'm gonna make this quick because I have a Comic Remix to color! (They're due Monday, how much you want to bet the results will start being posted this week?)

Speaking of community stuff, DD Draw-Off Part 5 has started! Are you up to the challenge? I am ...

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I am late cat D:

Black_Kitty at 12:18AM, July 31, 2007

I am late with the news. :( But before I start, I just want to thank everyone who PQed me with kind words and thoughts. I really appreciated them, they helped me so much (in ways that I don't think I will ever be able to fully explain in words ...

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All Milestones, All The Time!

skoolmunkee at 8:58AM, July 20, 2007

Come get some of your own super-hot milestone action! Aaaow!

timlight's Drunk Duck Speesheez (a comic where he's drawing characters from the DD universe!) is 50, and his Super K O is almost 75! Also he says, “a million thanks!”

Allan's Allan is 100 pages old (that ...

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