Hi! This is your reminder that you can (AND SHOULD) participate in the DD Awards Red Carpet Event 2022 until August 15!
Whether you are a DD Awards Nominee or not, consider creating the artwork to be included in the Red Carpet Event! It's a great opportunity to show ...
Remember the AUGUST 15 DEADLINE for the 2022 Red Carpet!
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 6, 2022Breaking Ground on the Promised Duck Webcomics Redesign; DD Awards Trophy Contest CLOSED, Ballot Submissions OPEN
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 20, 2022
Photo: “Future DD Redesign (Original concept and additional touches by Emma_Clare)”
Attention Citizens of The Duck:
Important Announcement
Years ago the Duck community showed interest in a new design from its current soft yellow-bright yellow-turquoise-lime green-dark green-cyan color scheme and site layout. Mobile device technology has grown exponentially since the ...
Participate in the DD Awards' Red Carpet!
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 9, 2022
That's right! Submissions for the DD 2022 Awards' Red Carpet are now open and until August 15!
The Drunk Duck Webcomic Awards is the peak event of DD, hosted by the awesome Niccea, sort of like our own webcomic Oscars. This means that they get to have their own ...
DD Red Carpet 2020
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 27, 2020
The DD Awards are here again, thanks to the wonderful Niccea!
And that means that together with this year's DD Awards, we also are having the DD Red Carpet event again!
The DD Awards are more or less the equivalent of Oscar Night for Drunk Duck, and so we ...
The Drunk Duck Awards are returning for 2020!
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 26, 2020
It's true! DD Awards 2020 are a thing, and you should ALL participate!
This is the crowning awesome of Drunk Duck events. A sort of Oscar Awards Night for every webcomic hosted here on DD! This is your time to showcase and enjoy the spotlight, as well as get ...
LAST CHANCE - Submit your votes for the 2015 DD Awards!
HippieVan at 12:00AM, July 31, 2015
If you haven't voted yet in the 2015 Drunk Duck Awards, do it now! No really, right now. Click this link and fill out the form! Quick!
For real though - ballots close in two days at 6pm CDT on August 2nd.
We would also like to officially recognize bravo1102 ...