Update on site issues over the past few days

srhdt at 9:55AM, Jan. 21, 2011

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to thank you guys again for your patience over the past week, as we've worked to get DrunkDuck onto a new server. Most of the major issues should be fixed at this point (loading, logouts, missing avatars). We're aware that some minor ...

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Server move problems - 2 biggest: constant logouts, no userpics

skoolmunkee at 8:59AM, Jan. 20, 2011

You have no idea how many tries it took me to get this posted! The constant logouts are to blame.

Other issues:
- thumbnails not appearing (mostly for new comics, but also for some older ones?)
- rollover comic descriptions not always working on main page
- ‘this comic has no pages’ errors ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 11 Part 2 - Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick Continue Invading!

Ozoneocean at 8:58PM, Jan. 18, 2011

The Second part of our first ever interview!

Feauturing Evil Emperor Nick from
Cwen's Quest and Amelius from Charby the Vampirate!

Without further ado, I present to you Quackast 11, Part 2:

This podcast is Part 2 of Episode 11, where the interview with guests Amelius and Evil Emperor ...

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Server move update and some milestones!

skoolmunkee at 7:11AM, Jan. 18, 2011

You can check out the previous newspost about this for more details, but Drunk Duck has undergone a server move (they have tried doing this several times and always met with problems and had to revert it). Most things have transferred over, but:

- there is general slowness which Wowio's ...

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DrunkDuck back up post-migration, additional issues being worked on

srhdt at 9:57AM, Jan. 17, 2011

Hi everyone.

So the site is back up and on a new server, but obviously the move has created additional bug issues, many of which we're aware of and are working quickly to resolve. Anyone who runs across a problem on the site, please post it here

http://www ...

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Comic ending, milestone, and Mafia recruitment!

skoolmunkee at 1:05AM, Jan. 14, 2011

If anyone is getting these news updates via the new RSS feed, is it behaving strangely for you? I keep getting super old newsposts sent to me multiple times, pretending to be new ones…

My ‘supposedly 24 hour comic that was actually done in 8 hours’, A Boring Life ...

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Ozoneocean at 5:44AM, Jan. 13, 2011

Trig and his dragon friend Artex and trying to work out why piles of scrap metal are being mysteriously dumped into a mall… through a portal into a parallel universe. And then they're attacked by zombie policemen! Meanwhile a young wolfboy is wondering around with a rat on his ...

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Aelwyn of Amya interviewed, contest stuff, publishing, milestones, and podcasts!

skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, Dec. 10, 2010

Let's get right to it, shall we? Time's a-wastin!

http://www.drunkduck.com/community/view_topic.php?tid=55129 it is a key point to the plot. Though that won't make any sense at the current point in the story, it will within the next few chapters. The ...

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Tony Moore on Villain Land podcast tonight, New interview, Voices contest, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:48AM, Dec. 3, 2010

Oh man, have I got a dumptruck full of news for you! I mean, I'm not saying that the news is garbage or anything. Just that there's a lot of it. THERE IS A LOT OF NEWS OKAY

I hope I got all this formatting right…

El Cid ...

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