Attention Everyone, I Have A Balloon (No I Don't)

skoolmunkee at 11:05PM, Oct. 18, 2009

Sorry for no newspost on Saturday, I plumb forgot. : Please thanks!

Saturday, usedbooks's Geotology turned 1 year old! That is not very long in geologic terms but I think in webcomic ones that is not bad!

Knots by curlpop reached 50 pages on Sunday!

Hello to Drunk Duck ...

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Happy Hallows thingy... early

Ozoneocean at 10:52PM, Oct. 30, 2008


Woooo….. Yeah! Crappy animated gifs!!! Isn't that scary? It's like we went back in time to 1998! o_O
OMG! Then webcomics would all still be on Geocities… NOOoooooooooo!!!!


Carrollhach has some good news!

Clench and Cheese is reaching 300 strips in a week or so ...

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Hiatus news!

SpANG at 8:36PM, Oct. 27, 2008

It's not often you get GOOD hiatus news, but here's two instances of it righ 'chere!

megan_rose tells us that I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space is back after it falsely said it was going on hiatus. SHAME! :P

I thought I'd need ...

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More stuff!

SpANG at 6:33PM, Nov. 2, 2007

Howdy, fellow ducks!

As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a while and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

Don't forget to check out the LATEST GIGCAST (with DRUNK DUCK ...

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The news just keeps a comin'

SpANG at 12:11PM, Oct. 28, 2007

Hey, fellow Duckers! As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a few weeks and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

And now, some milestones and other news in the world of ...

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Yeah, I'm posting the news. You gotta problem with that? :P

SpANG at 11:31AM, Oct. 20, 2007

A new creator interview is up! The lovely skoolmunkee has interviewed Inkmonkey of Elijah and Azuu for you reading pleasure!

What are the pros and cons of doing a comic that runs as long as yours has?
Well, the pro is that I can get more hits from one guy ...

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A steaming bucket of special recipe news!

skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, March 23, 2007

First, a couple of little site-type announcements…

Dragonlova, who came to us from Platinum Studios, has left the job and surely moved on to bigger and better things. She was a friendly and familiar face on th forums, and met some of you at Wizard World. Also I for one ...

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A newspost so big you won't want dinner

skoolmunkee at 1:36AM, Nov. 3, 2006

Hey everyone! Just a freindly reminder, here. Please always try to be constructive and diplomatic with your comments. Drunk Duck is about community, and being hostile towards others totally flies in the face of that.

That being said, a new rule about comments is going into effect as of now ...

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Hot off the press, a bunch of links for you! (10.31)

skoolmunkee at 12:45PM, Oct. 31, 2006

josif's messed up… I mean, josif's comic's messed up… I mean, nothing is messed up, just that josif's comic, it's messed up… anyway, he would like me to announce that his comic is starting “Version 2.0” where the art style has changed majorly (in ...

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Boo to the yah! We've got a new update!

Volte6 at 4:11PM, Oct. 20, 2006

Hey guys,

It's been a little while without a news update, so here's a quicky!

Girl/Robot is giving away buttons to those who want them! Get the details here!

D.J. Coffman has finally started putting up pages of the Hero by Night Diaries! This is sort ...

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