The very annoying long-lived image bug is FIXED!

skoolmunkee at 2:51PM, July 7, 2008

Hello, sorry the newspost and feature are a bit late today. I plumb forgot. Well, I didn't really completely forget. I completely forgot all weekend but then this morning I remembered, but when I went onto the site it was chugging along too slow to do anything. Then I ...

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Featured comic and DD news!

skoolmunkee at 3:47AM, June 16, 2008

Today's featured comic is Simply Sarah!

Meet Sarah, a girl who is constantly under pressure from her family to find a boy and fall in love with him. Just one problem- she fancies girls. What's Sarah to do? Her new friend Janey invites her out for some fun ...

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Regular news, and Featured comic Surfboards and Rayguns!

skoolmunkee at 12:34AM, June 12, 2008

Today's featured comic is Surfboards and Rayguns!
Intergalactic love and war on the beaches of Hawaii… as Wizer gives free surfing lessons to blonde bombshell Kona (who is interested in more than a ‘beach bum, to his dismay), spaceships battle in the stratosphere above them. Forgive the excitable punctuation ...

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Guys my tomatoes are growing so fast

skoolmunkee at 3:37PM, June 6, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is Leo!
Leo is an orphan- he never knew his father and his mother was killed before his eyes. Life is tough for him. The police are always after him- at the beginning of this comic, they've almost caught him. A very odd guardian angel ...

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Monday morning, you sure looked fine...

Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, May 19, 2008

Skool is away doing fun stuff in Italy with Italian people, So I get to make the news title again. -psst- Fleetwood Mac :P

Today's Feature is Bulletproof
“In Junction City, there are men and women with strange powers and abilities, the Omega Humans. Ostracised by society, many turn ...

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Hey guys I just got a food processor now I can CHOP STUFF chop chop chop

skoolmunkee at 8:43AM, April 28, 2008

Well well, what have we here? I do believe it's more interviews from the Quack With the Ducks project! You really should be reading these, you know- they can all be found in the Interviews forum! They are all pretty awesome so far! (New ones over the weekend: kiandranishan ...

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I'm on my way, I'm making it (Big Time)

skoolmunkee at 9:29AM, April 24, 2008

Big stuff!

lucky7s76 (who is running the Quack with the Ducks community interview project) has now begun posting the user interviews in the Interviews forum! It looks like there will be a new one each day for the next two weeks- awesome! So, if you are interested in finding out ...

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Thursday/Friday's featured comic is Beyond Human!

skoolmunkee at 12:42PM, April 18, 2008

Fantastic art and compelling writing tell the story of three men who are beyond human. A wild half-man who seems to like stopping evil a little TOO much. Another man who recklessly puts himself in death's way and has an important secret to protect. A third seems like a ...

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At the tone the time will be (insert your time here) boooop

DD_Management at 12:22AM, April 10, 2008

Today's featured comic is Tomb of the King!
Zair has been set a mysterious and difficult mission by his lord. The trek is made more difficult by Lexus, the naive scholar Zair must take with him to translate the ancient language that will guide them. While lost in the ...

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Everything you THOUGHT you knew... is wrong! O_O

Ozoneocean at 5:12AM, April 7, 2008

Today's featured comic is Opey the Warhead!

It's Opey's first day at school and he's a little nervous. Not because his dad seems to be a real weirdo who gives bad advice, or because the city he lives in (which he's never seen before) is ...

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