Congrat- ulations Nick and Amelius!

skoolmunkee at 11:09AM, Aug. 23, 2007

Drunk Ducker Evil Emperor Nick has been “secretly dating” Amelius for over a year now, and he proposed to her at Wizard World Chicago… she said yes! So congratulations to the happy couple! Maybe they will release ducks at their wedding? And then the ducks would like, land and waddle ...

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Comic Book Challenge!

skoolmunkee at 11:54PM, June 20, 2007

The top 50 Comic Book Challenge entries have been announced! Are you on the list? We've got a couple of longtime DDers who have made it into the first round! (comic listed is the one they're known for on DD, not the one they submitted to the contest ...

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News news news news

skoolmunkee at 10:53AM, April 27, 2007

Okay guys, maybe you haven't noticed but there are some awesome new features all having to do with user profiles! Just click on someone's username and you will see…

Of course this means a couple of bugs have popped up. It might take a few days to fix ...

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Super Size Newspost

Black_Kitty at 12:19AM, Aug. 10, 2006

Hey guys~ New day, new newspost! First the DrunkDuck stuff:

FIGHTSPLOSION! Sign-ups are to start either tomorrow or Saturday. So if you're looking to kick some comic butt (or participate in other ways), check it out!

I know I mentioned it in the last post but good news is ...

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