This Year's New Resolutions (a bit late)

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2017

At the start of the new year, I decided to make a couple resolutions. The first was that I am not going to buy any new clothes this year because I invested in a sewing machine because I plan to sew my own outfits from fabric.

The second resolution is ...

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Of course I know what I'm doing.

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2017

Every good story (true, fabricated, or more typically, somewhere in between) here in the City That Forgot to Care, begins with a thoughtful pause, a drawn out “Well,” followed by the phrase “what had happened was…”

“Who drank my beer?”
“Dude, what happened to your face?”
“Why are you carrying ...

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Playing with Time

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 2, 2017

Time doesn't really exist in comics. Someone can blast through multiple pages in seconds, or linger on one panel for years. Well, that would be rare. But you see what I'm saying.

What if you want to make your readers slow down? To give your pages the pace ...

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FEATURED COMIC -----> Kingdom of the Red Rose by Copper Mouflon

Genejoke at 12:00AM, Feb. 1, 2017

Kingdom of the Red Rose is the tale of Griffin, one of the 5001 grim reapers who ferry souls from the earth to the nether realms.
In the opening chapter we learn what vhoices Griffin has made that led him to be demoted.
The comic is of a very high ...

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Quackcast 308 - Hyena Hell

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 31, 2017


Today on the Quackcast we interview Hyena Hell!
You might remember the bombastic, punkrocker HyenaHell for her comic The Hub
She used to be very active on all of DD (forums, comics, everything), before life issues took her away from DD. But she was still a prolific poster on ...

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Elsewhere Reaching 350 Pages and Started Pages for Book of Obscure Holidays, Lady Unlucky Ten Year Anniversary

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 30, 2017

Elsewhere, the comic series, is hitting 350 pages on The Duck this week.

At the start of this year it also started working on pages for “Elsewhere's Calendar Girls- A Book of Obscure Holidays”. It is full of strange holiday, weird facts and humor. This will be going on ...

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Boring Action

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 28, 2017

Yesterday I was looking at reviews on youtube of the last Resident Evil movie that just came out. And while different reviewers had different degrees of leniency on the movie’s below average quality, everyone was unanimous in that the action in it was a ton, and boring.

So let ...

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Hippie Van’s last-ever newspost

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 27, 2017

Hey everyone! And farewell, also.

When I started writing this newspost I went looking for the first one I ever did. It turns out it was in November of 2013 - that’s over three years of Friday newsposts! I don’t think I’ve ever kept a paying job that ...

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The Hated - Part Two

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 26, 2017

The Hated, part two: Heroes we hate

Last week I blathered on a bit about villain Protagonists. These are evil, or “bad” characters who get to be Protagonists!

But what about more traditional heroes, or supporting characters are written to be the “moral compass” or “voice of reason”, or just ...

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FEATURED COMIC -> Fatal Lullaby

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 25, 2017

Short stories in comic form with a mighty sting in the tail! Fluke has illustrated a variety of one and two page stories from different writers, they all have a slight Twilight Zone look and feel to them. They're quite easy to get through and well leave you affected ...

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