Ozoneocean at 10:46PM, July 8, 2009


Al and Scout are two cats. That's as much as you need to know really, because cats are cute and amazing and funny and wonderful and everyone on the internet (who is smart), knows this. Cats are the internet mascot animal! Anyway, Ed Cho creates this hilarious and cute ...

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How can you have any news if you don't eat your meat?

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, July 6, 2009

Elanor Pam's Sinful (you know, the one we featured!) turned 100 pages old on Sunday!

theRedDeath's Bad Guy High has reached 400 “official” pages! The comic is about a high school where kids learn to be supervillains…. honestly though I think regular high school is pretty good at ...

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Here is some news, also I am resigning as governor of a state

skoolmunkee at 4:20AM, July 4, 2009

I think I can argue that I made a better governor than some :smug:

Brood Knight is now on sale:

Uncle Dumok's CLEAN comic Alter-Verse just hit 25 pages… that's right folks I am actually doing a CLEAN webcomic!

Animania by Poonipoonz has hit the 400 ...

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All the cool countries have national holidays this week!

skoolmunkee at 12:12AM, July 2, 2009

lefarce, who is not getting his dates wrong, announces that his popular comic LeFarce will be ending completely and totally on Saturday, July 4th. lefarce is a creative guy and let's hope he's got something else up his sleeve!

Jemelis also has a comic-ending announcement, but has another ...

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Has there been a lot of news this week or what? (No deaths in this newspost)

skoolmunkee at 1:17AM, June 29, 2009

It's been awhile, but I wanted to drop a line and let you know that “Top of the Heap,” which debuted on the Duck last November, is now a printed book available from my publisher, Terminal Press.

The story follows a group of circus animals stranded in the ...

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Interviews, print, milestones and goodbyes

skoolmunkee at 3:29AM, June 26, 2009

Hey all! Don't forget that there is currently a DD user interview up! it's funny and worth checking out. :] Pieguy259 interviews Pirka of Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro!

Frogman's much-loved comic Ultimate X (at just over 4 years and 200 pages) is ending next week… I'd say ...

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News I was supposed to post Monday - a new interview, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:49AM, June 24, 2009

Hey everybody! A new interview is up! This time around, Pieguy259 interviews Pirka of Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro! I think you should check it out (and perhaps leave a reply letting them know what you think?)!

Now onto the meat of this tasty interview sandwich: Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro (what ...

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Monday's feature - PROJECT 217

skoolmunkee at 11:52PM, June 21, 2009

On her way to school, Alana is kidnapped by a couple of weirdos who unlock the magical powers contained in her earrings. Now she is mixed up with a bunch of demons (some of whom think she is someone else and are trying to kill her). Don't take this ...

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Bloodhound and Berserk Final get a nod, and milestones aplenty!

skoolmunkee at 1:08PM, June 20, 2009

Through participation in a limited time offer (game in the General forum), both Bloodhound by TheMidge28 and Berserk Final by ccs1989 get a mention here for no reason other than they asked for one! Well, actually, they asked to be featured- but I'm not doing THAT. (Bloodhound has already ...

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This newspost is about lba!

skoolmunkee at 2:28AM, June 17, 2009

lba is a user here on DruckDuck who does a comic Last Words! The comic is pretty good, we feaured it and everything. He hasn't updated it in a while but that's ok, it happens to all of us. It is a comic about pieces of gum (or ...

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